电台播放Stalker Anomaly的歌曲或吉他音乐 作者:thenexusforumslol 安装 将下载的zip文件解压缩到以下目录中 Game Directory/Stalker2/Content/Paks/~mods 注意:如果您还没有mods文件夹,请在“游戏目录/Stakler2/Content/Paks/”中创建一个新文件夹,并将其命名为“~mods”(不带引号) ...
==KRUGLOV get killed by an Anomaly== More likely to happen in AMK, because of the random anomalies one might get into his path and kill him, so either: Sleep to reset them, try "activating" it/them Or, this works for VANILLA too, move far away, it should be 150 Meters, so that...
Anomaly Together 1.0 —этошанссноваокунутьсявмир S.T.A.L.K.E.R. вместесдрузьями. Присоединяйтесьинасладитеськоопер�
elven rangers, may be guardians andhuntersas well, but wilderness stalkers are true creatures of the wild. They gain mastery over the terrain in which they battle, learning how to use the environment to their best advantage. No one can match a wilderness stalker...
1920x1080 Image - Annotated School Anomaly.jpg | S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia 99 Download 1920x1080 STALKER Call of Pripyat 9 Download 1920x1080 STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl HD Wallpaper 11 Download 1920x1080 S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of...
Anomaly-1.5.1\tools\_unpacked\scripts可以找到三个文件tasks_assault.script,tasks_bounty.script和tasks_agent_rescue.script,分别是突袭类、赏金杀手类(bounty)和解救人质(Hostage)任务脚本。记得把这三个文件放到Anomaly-1.5.1\gamedata\scripts,注意目录不要搞混,后面修 分享67 星际2吧 Justarve 最近转战美服...
Category:CS SDK Help In this section, every beginning and experienced creator of MODifications can find the most complete official information on SDK (Software Development Kit) from"S.T.A.L.K.E.R."game developers. You can download MP-SDK 0.5 (beta version) from the official game web-site...