Love, Hate & Propaganda: The Cold War (2011) (TV Series) - Self - Soviet Premier (1 episode, 2011) Self - Soviet Premier (1 episode, 2011) See fewer In the Shadow of Fear (十一月 16, 2011) Season 1, Episode 1 - Self - Soviet Premier (archive footage) (as Iosif Stalin) Sel...
Det förhärligar Stalins liv och karriär, utan att nämna folkmord, gulags, megalomani, förtryck eller mass svält, och är en fascinerande inblick i propagandamaskinen som var Sovjetunionen före dess fall 1989. Centralt för museikomplexet är ett stort sovjet-realistiskt...
Glorifica la vita e la carriera di Stalin, omettendo qualsiasi menzione di genocidio, gulag, megalomania, repressione o fame di massa, ed è uno sguardo affascinante sulla macchina della propaganda che era l'Unione Sovietica prima della sua caduta nel 1989. Al centro del complesso museale c...
Amelia Gentleman (a striking surname I hadn’t run across before)reviewsStalin’s Library: A Dictator and His Books, by Geoffrey Roberts: Stalin was a voracious reader, who set himself a daily quota of between 300 and 500 pages. When he died of a stroke in his library in 1953, the de...
The aim of this propaganda has always been to lead the peoples and progressive forces fighting for freedom and independence everywhere in the world up a blind alley. Tito and Sandro Pertini, president of Italy The Yugoslav revisionists adopted those forms of running their country that the ...
Nonsense! All this idiotic propaganda has brought our country to where it is today, to the lowest level” Richardson, Rosamond. Stalin’s Shadow. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1994, p. 277 Some Russian anti-communist writers such as Solzhenitsyn and Sakharov, and many US anti-...
And Soviet and post-Soviet sources are not always helpful, tainted as they were/are by propaganda and polemic. Recent moves towards rectifying the situation owe much to the efforts of Neil Edmunds (see his The Soviet Proletarian Music Movement (Oxford, 2000)), and if the new volume edited ...
“Present-day Trotskyites try to present themselves in their propaganda as ‘consistent followers of Marx’. This trick has obviously been calculated to impress those who know little or nothing about the long-drawn-out struggle which Marxist-Leninists have waged and are waging against the Trotsky...
Armonk: M.E. Sharpe. Daniels, Robert Vincent, ed. 1993. A Documentary History of Communism in Russia: From Lenin to Gorbachev. Burlington: University of Vermont Press. Davies, Sarah. 1997. Popular Opinion in Stalin's Russia: Terror, Propaganda and Dissent, 1934–1941. Cambridge: Cambridge ...