If you are great at writing clear plain English, but would rather die than brief 30 people on your project, try delegating (you can delegate up as well as down). See How to Delegate the Fast Effective Way. If your grammar isn't too hot you could consider asking someone in Marketing ...
L. (2002). Measuring corporate reputation: Definition and data. Business & Soci- ety, 41(4), 371-392. Weaver, P. H. (1988). The suicidal corporation—How big business fails America. New York: Cato Institute. Webster's new twentieth century dictionary of the English language. (1983). ...
However, some participants highlighted the need for clarity, particularly surrounding the term ‘polluters pay’ and its definition, when applied to tobacco control: “We’d need to be very, very careful in the communications about this, particularly in relation to who is the polluter. Because at...
On behalf of the INCLUDE writing group Contributions MDW wrote the initial draft of the paper; GN and LR revised the initial draft. SP conducted the literature review. EA conducted the survey. All authors contributed to the conception, design and planning of the work; the conduct of the steer...
Jeroen Vos: Conceptualization, Methodology, Supervision, Writing – review & editing. Funding This study is part of a PhD research funded by the Dutch organization for internationalization in education (NUFFIC). Declaration of competing interest The authors declare that they have no known competing ...
Similarly, Nurse 26 associated the 3D-printed prototype with a writing utensil and concluded that it would be non-threatening:“It’s just like a pen case. It looks like a pen case, so there is no problem with this.” Nurse 14 thought about how the device would integrate into the implan...
participate in seminars organized by them. We also use articles – we ask stakeholders to write articles. More often, they ask us to write articles for their journals. Sometimes we write articles together. In the course of writing, we share ideas, exchange information, and have close cooperatio...
Similarly, Nurse 26 associated the 3D-printed prototype with a writing utensil and concluded that it would be non-threatening:“It’s just like a pen case. It looks like a pen case, so there is no problem with this.” Nurse 14 thought about how the device would integrate into the implan...
Stakeholder theory is premised on the interference between critical actors within or outside of an organisation [25]. A stakeholder is “any group or individual who can affect or is affected by the achievement of the organisation’s objectives” [26]. The literature on the definition of a “...
We are grateful to GIZ and H2020 Co-Inform project for funding of data collection, development of methodology and writing of this paper. Conflicts of Interest We declare no conflict of interests. References World Bank Group.The Cost of Irrigation Water in the Jordan Valley (English); Water Par...