This chapter seeks to support community-based natural resource management by providing a framework for analysis and understanding of two closely interrelated themes: stakeholder analysis and conflict management. The origin and meaning of stakeholders and of stakeholder analysis are sketched. A conceptual fr...
Building social sustainability: multi-stakeholder processes and conflict management. Social Responsibility Journal 2014; 10: 685-701.Galuppo, L.; Gorli, M.; Scaratti, G.; Kaneklin, C. Building social sustainability: multi-stakeholder processes and conflict management. Soc. Responsib. J. 2014, 10...
3、Establish collaborative behaviors among the members of the organization by fostering group decision making and conflict resolution in order to improve decision quality and reduce the time required to make decisions. 通过促进团队决策和冲突解决,在组织成员之间建立协作行为,以提高决策质量,减少决策所需的时...
Topics: Project management Teamwork and collaboration Project stakeholders are influential and important to your project by definition, but sometimes they can also introduce challenges into your project. As a project manager or team member, how you manage your stakeholders through communication and collabo...
Stakeholder Management A form of management in which multiple constituencies are invited to contribute. For example,labor unionrepresentatives,shareholders, non-unionemployees,customers, and the general public may all be asked to provide input on a project. Stakeholder management is used to stop problems...
1.Research on the Modern Enterprise Stakeholder Management Model;现代企业的利益相关者管理模式研究 2.According to Conflict and Coordination Between Benefit Interrelaters Studying the Management of Benefit Interrelaters;从利益相关者之间的冲突与协调来看利益相关者管理 3.The Management of Stakeholders in Strat...
Conservation's blind spot: The case for conflict transformation in wildlife conservation Unaddressed or poorly addressed conflicts present increasingly difficult obstacles to effective conservation and management of many wildlife species around... Francine,Madden,Brian,... - 《Biological Conservation》 被引...
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Recognizing the different stakeholders and their mandates, and encouraging participation in the process, leads to a better understanding of the threats, risks, and possible solutions when conflicts arise. Tracking stakeholder viewpoints and actions can lead to increased involvement and conflict resolution....
Under shareholder theory, the primary focus of a system of corporate governance is the interests of the firm's shareholders, primarily concerned with the conflict of interest between managers and its owners (shareholders). The focus of corporate governance under stakeholder theory is broader; it cons...