{\n display: inline-block !important;\n}\n\n#custom_widget_EA_Custom_Footer_consent_blackbar_1efh7_1 {\n background-color: #f3f3f3;\n border-top: 2px solid #c2c2c2;\n bottom: 0;\n display: block;\n left: 0;\n position: fixed;\n right: 0;\n z-index: 2147483647...
@BluebellfloraHave two houses in gallery already in which my sims cannot get upstairs at all presumably because of "open to below" area with railing/fence as... - 11443799
@BluebellfloraHave two houses in gallery already in which my sims cannot get upstairs at all presumably because of "open to below" area with railing/fence as maysbat reported: The Summer Home and Coorinberg Cottage. I have plenty of other houses with open to below areas, which I bet don...