Custom Stainless Steel Fabrication Services in Perth for mining, commercial, industrial & hospitality sectors. Includes Bollards, Benches, Spashbacks, cabinets, canopies & exhausts, grease traps and more… Commercial Stainless Steel Kitchens in Perth | Stainless Steel Perth - All Things Stainless 1/45 Irvine Drive Malaga WA 6090. Welcome to All Things Stainless. All Things Stainless is a West Australian sheet metal fabrication company specialising in the fabrication of custom...
materials Article Crystallographic Texture and Substructural Phenomena in 316 Stainless Steel Printed by Selective Laser Melting Ricardo Santamaria 1, Mobin Salasi 1 , William D. A. Rickard 2, Kod Pojtanabuntoeng 1, Garry Leadbeater 1,3, Mariano Iannuzzi 1 , Steven M. Reddy 4 and Md ...
There is a fast-growing interest in the use of selective laser melting (SLM) for metal/alloy additive manufacturing. Our current knowledge of SLM-printed 316 stainless steel (SS316) is limited and sometimes appears sporadic, presumably due to the complex