7 years ago I am leaning toward a special walnut stain (by Duraseal) on my white oak floors. My concern is that it will be too light. Another option would be to try a 50/50 mix with Special Walnut and Dark Walnut OR Special Walnut and Jacobean. Does anyone have any of these stain...
A water-based interior stain for use on floors, stairs and furniture. Enhances the character of the wood. 1 coat 10m² per litre 10 hrs drying time £75.35 - £92.48 More info Available in 2.5L Woca Antique Oak Lye A water-based reactive treatment for giving oak flooring an...
Make sure to select a stain that is proven or recommended to work well on oak. Oak is a strong, hard type of wood, known for its stability. You can use it for just about anything: interior trim, floors and furniture. Red and white oak are the most common types used in America, wit...
My wife is LOVING the Natural Oak I picked. I did something right! Reply Admin Armstrong 1 year ago Reply to John More is not always better. Leave as is and if desired, clean and recoat the floors next year. Reply John 1 year ago Reply to Armstrong Will do. You folks...
She had just said the same to the tenants on the first, second, and third floors. My answer was the same as theirs. I slipped into her palm (with a “Many thanks!” of which she took no notice) a piece of gold, which brought another smile, a curtsey, and she is gone. This ...
Hi, I'm new to this website and this is my first posting. I hope someone can help me. We have a new house and put in natural red oak floors (no stain, just oil based poly). They are beautiful. But, now our dilemma is what color of stain we should put on