The Stage of the Fetus (Fetal) This stage begins with the third month of development and ends with the emergence of signs of patrimonial activity – contractions and childbirth. During this time, the organs and systems of the future child improve, train, and develop new functions. In the 3rd...
Development of the Fetus At the end of the tenth week of pregnancy (8 weeks after fertilization), the fetal stage begins. During this stage, the organs and systems that have already formed grow and develop as follows: By 12 weeks of pregnancy: The fetus fills the entire uterine cavity....
In the second trimester, the fetus grows about one inch every two weeks. During the third trimester, the fetus grows very rapidly. The fetus goes from two pounds around week twenty-eight to an average of eight pounds at week forty, or birth.What...
Explain the stages of oogenesis. Parts of the Female Reproductive System: The female reproductive system consists of the ovaries, uterine cavity, uterine wall, and cervix. The uterus is also called the womb, a masculine organ that provides space for the development of the fetus after fertilization...
or water in which the fetus is suspended may break before labor begins. In such cases, the physician may induce labor with the use of medication if it does not begin on its own in order to reduce the risk of infection. Normally this sac does not rupture until the later stages of labor...
During this stage, the organs and systems that have already formed grow and develop as follows: By 12 weeks of pregnancy: The fetus fills the entire uterine cavity. As the pregnancy continues, the uterus enlarges as the fetus grows. By about 14 weeks: The sex can be identified on ...
Stages of Life1. A fetus: unborn baby2. A preemie: baby that is born ‘prematurely’ – before it has completely developed in the mother’s womb. Generally it takes 37-40 weeks/9-10 months for a baby to fully develop; so if a baby is born before 37 weeks/9 months, it’s ...
cycle of life has 12 stages from conception, fetus, birth ... to death, tomb and extinction. The name of each stage indicates the strength of the relationship between Five Elements and animals. It's easier to understand if you knowEach animal contains different weights of the Five Elements....
The umbilical cord is clearly visible. At the end of 8 weeks, your baby is a fetus, and is nearly 1 inch long, weighing less than ⅛ of an ounce. First Trimester: The Baby at 12 Weeks The end of the first trimester is at about week 12, at this point in your baby's development...