Ovarian cancer may be suspected during the examination of the stomach at gynecology. If the cancer is suspected the biopsy of the abdominal cavity is performed and the fluid is analyzed for the presence of the tumor cells. The biopsy in developed European countries is not recommended as it may...
International Journal of Gynecological CancerKristensen GB, Vergote I, Stuart G, et al. First-line treatment of ovarian cancer FIGO stages IIb-IV with paclitaxel/epirubicin/carboplatin versus paclitaxel/carboplatin. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2003;13 Suppl 2:172–7. View Article...
Cancer starts in one part of the body andspreads to distant organs. As cancer progresses, a person usually feels sicker, may have more pain, and has more complications related to the disease.17 In contrast, endometriosis can be widespread even in the early stages. The disease stage doesn't ...
(General Engineering) the part of a microscope below the stage, usually consisting of an adjustable assembly holding a condenser lens for illuminating the specimen Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006...
Pictures show the symptoms, tests, and treatments for ovarian cancer, as well as what factors raise your risk for the disease.
ovarian development inS. pharaonisis not synchronous and can be categorized into five stages: the non-developmental stage, the developmental stage, the near-maturity stage, the maturity stage, and the degeneration stage [9]. However, in the course of conducting a comprehensive study on the full-...
Breast-ovarian cancer syndrome: A mutation in a gene calledBRCA1has been linked to increased risk of both breast and ovarian cancer. Some women who have this mutation develop ovarian cancer. Another mutation, involving theBRCA2gene, also increases the risk of ovarian cancer but to a lesser deg...
ovarian cancer; Nectin-4; HB-EGF; Amphiregulin; tumor marker; early detection; liquid biopsy1. Introduction Ovarian cancer (OvCa) is the third most common gynecological malignancy in women and has the highest mortality [1]. In particular, unspecific symptoms and the lack of sufficient screening ...
expression patterns attributable to the proliferation of genes, including genes associated with oxidative phosphorylation and MYC activity in ovarian cancer [11], as well as differences between isocitrate dehydrogenase mutants astrocytoma and oligodendroglioma in distinct tumor microenvironments and their ...
Numerous studies link asbestos exposure to ovarian cancer. Women with a history of asbestos exposure have higher rates of ovarian cancer.