The stages of human evolution, human and cultural origins: 3rd Edn. By C. Loring Brace. Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1988. xi + 154 pp. Paperbackdoi:10.1016/0140-1750(89)90037-7TimothyCrippenSDOSJournal of Social & Biological Structures
Learn about the human evolution timeline and the stages of human evolution. Also discover what humans evolved from, how they evolved, and where...
Human evolution. Artwork of female apes and humans showing some of the stages in human evolution. At left, Proconsul sp. (23-17 million years ago) is depicted hypothetically as an African ape with both primitive and advanced features. To its right is Australopithecus afarensis (>4-2.5 Myr ...
Preceding chapters have mainly described various methods for sampling the different developmental stages and age groups of Mosquito populations. This chapter is concerned with analysing the numerical changes that occur in population size during the life-
Image credit: Jose Luis Martinez Alvarez from Asturias, España, Wikimedia CommonsResearch into 430,000-year-old fossils collected in northern Spain found that the evolution of the human body’s size and shape has gone through four main stages, according to a paper published this week. A ...
Gerald Young Abstract The present chapter examines models of change in human development, in other areas of psychology, in fields outside of psychology, and even in nonliving systems. The goal is to show that the present stage and substage model is grounded in change mechanisms that cut across...
This blossoming of human endeavour, which was done in the absence of a Marshall Plan or any help from anyone else in a country completely lacking in natural resources (except coal) led to Gerany winning twice as many gold medals as the USA in the 1936 Olympics, incredible scientific advances...
Such technologies, if deployed globally, may do this by taking the pressure off ecosystems to be exploited for human profit and survival. It argues that, by also creating normative space for such an expansion of sympathy, global heath law begins to incorporate the vision of planet as patient....
Reprogramming identifies stages of clonal evolution in MDS Patients with MDS often harbor multiple mutations and cytogenetic lesions, making it difficult to establish patterns of clonal evolution. Because preleukemic cells may persist long after disease onset,2 we reasoned that reprogramming can generate ...
Finally, we report major histocompatibility complex class II dysregulation in CD14+monocytes, which results in T-cell suppression in vitro. These results provide a comprehensive map of immune changes at play over the evolution of premalignant MM, which will help develop strategies for immune-based ...