Towards this goal, we have established GepLiver which is a longitudinal and multidimensional liver expression atlas integrating RNA sequencing data of liver cells and tissue across the whole spectrum of liver developmental stages and diseases with unified processing pipeline (Fig.1). The integrated data...
We tested plasma from seven malaria-exposed Cambodian adults for antibodies that could inhibit the binding of PvRON2 to PvAMA129. Using the donor with the highest RON2 binding inhibition activity (Supplemental Fig.1), we isolated 157 PvAMA1-specific B cells (Supplemental Fig.2) that were PCR...
For each panel (a,b), the x axis indicates organs and developmental stages in either sex, whereas the y axes (left and right) indicate the numbers of genes or transcripts expressed ( Â 1,000; left) or the percentages of all annotated genes or transcripts (right) in each organ across...
Similarly, IFNγ was detectible in the sera of PyA-infected mice, but not in mock-infected mice (Figure 1H). Importantly, the liver-stage burden following infection with 50,000 WT Py sporozoites in IFNγ−/− mice was approximately twice that of infected WT C57BL/6 mice as determined...
Because the intense treatment such as liver transplantation may become necessary to cure CTLN2, the effective preventative treatment during the adaptation/compensation stage is very important. At present, there is no report of a case with patients reported having the onset of CTLN2 who are on ...
by fast growth, low back fat, and a high lean meat percentage, to survey the differences in transcription. Previous studies have shown that indigenous swine breeds have slower growth rates and less lean meat percentages than exotic pigs [7,15,23]. Our study opens up the scope of knowledge...
However, with the introduction of the XL probe (2.5 MHz, 3 mm vibration amplitude), the failure rate has decreased [4]. Over the years, VCTE performance has been analyzed in numerous studies. Currently, it is used globally and, in certain countries, it is the initial step for liver ...
It is implicated in tissue repair [9], neurogenerative disorders [10], obesity [11], atherosclerosis [12], and fatty liver disease [13]. However, studies investigating the role of TREM2 in malignancy are rare, and the results regarding different malignancies are contradictory. Katzenelenbogen ...
2.1. Hatching Percentages In the present study, S. rivoliana embryos and recently hatched larvae were used as models to qualitatively and quantitatively assess the impacts of PSTs during the development of early life stages. We hypothesized that PSTs would induce adverse effects on the development...
Throughout the years, both natural and in vitro selections have led to new SM tomatoes with peculiar accessions; however, several ecotypes not suitable for local environments gradually disappeared. The term “San Marzano” refers to a population of tomatoes with a wide range of characteristics [2...