Stages of change in smoking cessation: a comparison of expectancies among precontemplators and contemplators. J Ration Emotive Cogn Behav Ther. 2004;22(2):131-147.Pearlman, M. Y., Wernicke, R., Thorndike, F., & Haaga, D. A. F. (2004). Stages of change in smoking cessation: A ...
Stages of acquisition and cessation for adolescent smoking: an empirical integration Addict Behav (1998) P Aveyard et al. The change-in-stage and updated smoking status results from a cluster-randomized trial of smoking prevention and cessation using the transtheoretical model among British adolescents...
smoking cessation - stages of change - pregnancy - womenThis study examined the effects of a smoking cessation intervention on stages of change in 349 low-income, pregnant women. At first prenatal visit, women were randomized into experimental or usual care condition and classified by stage of ...
Public health The effects of message framing within the stages of change on smoking cessation intentions and behaviors MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Sandi W. Smith CornacchioneJenniferThis study examines two commonly used and accepted theoretical models in health communication鈥攖he stages of change and ...
This study applies Latent Transition Analysis (LTA; Collins & Wugalter, 1992; Collins, Wugalter, & Rousculp, 1991) to movement through the stages of change for smoking cessation. LTA is an alternative method of assessing categorical outcome that is sensitive to change, diagnostic, and allows ...
Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical SciencesSharifirad G, Charkazi A, Berdi-Ghourchaei A et al., (2012), Smoking behavior based on stages of change model among Iranian male students in 2009-2010 academic year. Zahedan J Res Med Sci, 14, 13-7....
The process of smoking cessation: an analysis of precontemplation, contemplation, and preparation stages of change. Traditionally smoking cessation studies use smoker and nonsmoker categories almost exclusively to represent individuals quitting smoking. This study tested... CC Diclemente,JO Prochaska,SK ...
McAllister JM, Lindsay GB, Merrill RM, Perego UA. Cigarette smoking and stages of change among men and women in Kiev, Ukraine. Eur J Public Health. 2002;12(4):302-307.McAllister J. M., Lindsay G. B, Merrill R. M, Perego U. A. Cigarette smoking and stages of change among men ...
Implement healthy substitutes.You can substitute a healthy behavior for an unhealthy one, i.e. drinking a smoothie instead of smoking a cigarette. It’s really that simple and gets you through those first few days, weeks, and months of restricting yourself from something you previously enjoyed....
To develop effective smoking prevention interventions, we need to identify modifiable variables, such as the "pros and cons" of smoking, that predict self-initiated smoking cessation. Our objective was to assess associations between the pros and cons of smoking and the stages of change, both cross...