occupational problem for health care workers. We aimed to assess the burnout levels among oncology employees and to evaluate the sociodemographic and occupational factors contributing to burnout levels. The Maslach Burnout Inventory, which is designed to measure the three stages of burnout-emoti[...
In Belgium, it has been found that as a result of increased efficiency and a lower risk of burnout, the majority surveyed (85 %) believe that WFH is here to stay (Baert et al., 2020). Barrero et al. (2021) find, from a survey of more than 30,000 workers in the US, that 20...
We also found that certain personality traits were more strongly associated with parental burnout among those who had children in early childhood or preschool period (under the age of seven) than those in later stages of parenthood. The study contributes knowledge about the p...
The current study seeks to explore the prevalence of and correlators of HPs' burnout during different stages of the pandemic. Methods: Three repeated online studies were conducted in different stages of the COVID-19 pandemic: wave 1: after the first peak of the pandemic, wave 2...
Northeast Electric Power University, jilin, China.Mingge YuNortheast Electric Power University, Jilin, China.Weiye KangNortheast Electric Power University, Jilin, China.Benzhi LiuNortheast Electric Power University, jilin, China.Chen GongNortheast Electric Power University, Jilin, China....
doi:10.1249/01.mss.0001059232.46428.faLiao, Huiling L.Yu, MinggeKang, WeiyeLiu, BenzhiGong, ChenMedicine and Science in Sports and Exercise
In terms of mental health, for instance, PE teachers report risk of burnout (Weigelt, Lohbreier, Wunsch, Kampfe, & Klingsiek, 2014) and burnout symptoms (e.g., emotional exhaustion; Panagopoulos, Anastasiou, & Goloni, 2014). Regarding physical health, for example, PE teachers report vocal...
Burnout, a major concern defined most commonly in the literature with a symptoms-based classification, can also be described as a temporal process with various stages experienced by workers, each composed of unique characteristics and challenges. This intricate process of burnout emphasizes pivotal ...
BurnoutCopingBehaviorHospitalNursesRelatedFactorsBackground: The purpose of this study was to elucidate the stages of nurse burnout in hospitals (their states of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization) as well as factors related to the nurses personal characteristics and coping behaviors in order to ...