play along Informal To cooperate or pretend to cooperate: decided to play along with the robbers for a while. play around To philander. play at 1. To participate in; engage in. 2. To do or take part in halfheartedly. play back To replay (a recently recorded tape, for example). play...
d. To arrange or establish (a computer password, for example) to allow future action. e. To prescribe as a time for: set the meeting for Friday afternoon. f. To prescribe the unfolding of (a drama or narrative, for instance) in a specific place: a play that is set in Venice. 11.... O exemplo a seguir configura um objeto StageWebView para preencher o palco. O exemplo carrega um site com o métodoloadURL()e usa as teclas programáveis Voltar e Pesquisar do dispositivo para navegação pelo histórico. ...
Stage Traxx is an audio player designed for professional musicians working with backing tracks. With Stage Traxx 3, controlling your live performance will be easier than ever before. Whether you work with prepared playlists or decide on the fly which track to play next, whether you need lyrics,...
If your stage is avariant, the SceneDef name and Scene name should be the same but different from the original stage;Base Scene Name Overrideshould be the same as the original stage. For example, my Scorched Acres variant could beslip_wispgraveyard2but theBase Scene Name Overrideshould bewis...
Updates TensorFlow samples to reference PowerPlay assets. Adds opt-in support for Java 8 language features to the OnBotJava editor. To opt in, open the OnBotJava Settings, and check Enable beta Java 8 support. Note that Java 8 code will only compile when the Robot Controller runs Android...
Allow string players (in particular) to play well and in tune, for which ideally they need to hear themselves, not just the whole string section. Keep the drummer in time with the backing track or click track, if necessary. There are also artistic requirements: ...
An example of the output of the proposed system: player detection, jersey number recognition, and game log. Full size image In this work, we develop an innovative football analysis system that automatically tracks players on a per-play basis and identifies any time the play clock is actuated ...
Example 1-3. Starting the rock, paper, scissors application require 'sinatra' get '/throw/:type' do # play here end Now we should define the moves that are valid. We’ll also specify that we’re only returning plain old text (as opposed to HTML) when the player makes a move. The ...
a given class. In the above example, a type-checker could assume a new type namedPerson, with a propertynameof typestringand a methodgetGreetingthat returns astring; but like any other syntax in this proposal, these annotations do not weigh into the runtime behavior of the program. ...