必应词典为您提供stage-gate-process的释义,网络释义: 标准阶段关卡流程;门径式流程;方式;
Learn what the stage-gate is. Study the steps of the stage-gate process, identify uses of the idea funnel, and discuss pros and cons of stage-gate...
Stage-Gate ProcessCooperEdgett
Stage-gate, also known as phase-gate, is a project management model that uses a five-step process with four review points to guide a project from conception to completion. Under this methodology, a project is broken down into five management sections, called “stages” or “phases,” with ...
How to use the Stage-Gate Process Flowchart Template in Miro Customize the template: Easily edit the template with just a few clicks. Change the stage names and descriptions to suit the project's specific needs. Expand with diagramming tools: Use Miro's automated diagramming features to add ...
整个产品领域最重要的理论之一。PDMA的看家法宝。他们老大的定义:Stage-Gate Process / 阶段-关口流程 S...
Stage-Gate Process& Qualify Function DeploymentStage-Gate Process& Qualify Function DeploymentRev: Dec, 2012POSTECH Strategic Management of Information and Technology Laboratory(POSMIT: http://posmit.postech.ac.kr)Rev: Dec, 2012POSTECH Strategic Management of Information and Technology Laboratory(POSMIT:...
Stage-Gate International—the innovation consulting team behind the methodology that became the industry standard.
阶段-关卡流程(Stage-gate)模型是由Robert G. Cooper提出的,用以高效管理产品开发流程的一种方法。它是新产品开发的蓝图, 它涵盖了从开发理念到产品生产的整个过程, 它有一系列预设的步骤,即阶段(Stage)。每一个阶段都包含有一整套跨功能的、平行的具体任务,在被获准执行下一个阶段以前, 必须顺利完成现阶段的任...
Stage Gate Review Process 热度: Stage-Gate ® 流程概念 Stage-Gate ® 产品创新流程是一个非常典型的新产品开发业务流程-它借鉴了全球大部分企 业成功和失败的经验,它最先由罗伯特.库柏博士提出和发展起来,它是目前全球应用得最 广泛的产品创新流程。