打击乐和声 (2nd/3rd) 均衡器 10 均衡器高 9 均衡器中 8 均衡器低 混响 91 混响量 失真/咔哒声 76 失真驱动 75 按键咔哒声 泄漏/串扰 86 泄漏 87 串扰 88 串扰形状 Leslie 85 开/关 1 Leslie 速度 68 控制“制动”功能 扬声器/麦克风 90 平衡 93 麦克风距离 94 喇叭均衡器有...
1、中国打击乐 云之南罗天琪 演奏:郑婷月、郭笑雨、何子舟 2、中国打击乐 大曲 周龙 演奏:陆煜升 3、马林巴Toccata Anna Ignatowicz 演奏:肖嘉颖 4、组合打击乐 Rebonds A IANNIS XENAKIS 演奏:连梓辰 5、定音鼓Saëta Elliott Carte...
Add runtime option to load a different 2nd stage boot loader. Most projects working with Unified Kernel Images (UKI) have one thing in common. If they want to use a distro signed shim to boot it, ...
船舶设备MAINAIRCOMPRESSORWP311LPISTON2NDSTAGE性价高价格 ¥ 4948.90 起订数 1件起批 发货地 上海 咨询底价 产品服务 热门商品 Oil-freescrewCompressorAEF15A-13 ¥ 110000.00 安泊顿船舶设备RotaryScrewAirCompressorARK55A-8 ¥ 54000.00 电子行业空压机ARK500-10/D500KW-10bar-85m3/min ¥ ...
查看详情 船用空气压缩机工厂ARK250-13/DE250KW-13bar ¥23.50万 获取底价 安泊顿船舶设备(上海)有限公司 商品描述 价格说明 联系我们 获取底价 商品描述 价格说明 联系我们 品牌 其他 压缩介质 空气 工作原理 活塞式压缩机 润滑方式 机油润滑空压机 功率 75 外形尺寸(长*宽*高) 1975×950×1568 ...
日前,北京商务航空协会理事单位—亚洲商务航空(Brilliant Jet Beijing)获得国际公务机协会IBAC颁发的IS-BAO Stage3最高级安全认证。这意味着继Brilliant Jet HongKong在2021年获得IS-BAO Stage3认证后,Brilliant Jet在境内及境外的两家航空公司...
Lattice Boltzmann Method Contribution to the Second High Lift Prediction Workshop This paper presents the results of the computational-fluid-dynamics code XFlow for the test case proposed in the 2nd High-Lift Prediction Workshop. The target of this international workshop is to assess the accuracy ...
La pompa è progettata per operare con fluidi neutri o non corrosivi. È assolutamente vietato l'impiego con sostanze potenzialmente esplosive o infiammabili. Lo spegnimento della pompa non richiede particolari manovre; è sufficiente scollegarla dall'alimentazione elettrica agendo sull'inter...
At least one crew-member parameter and crash severity depending, it offers the device which controls the 2nd expansion stage of the air bag. Here as for crash severity the crew-member is collided depending on the collision speed which to the air bag, it is required. The relationship crash ...
Elite Series 2nd Division 2024 Spring Match results, calendar, VODs, stream, team rosters, schedule