Next, you may discard hunks of changes from the diff of any file. Alternatively in the staging panel, Discard Changes is available in the context menu by right-click. Ignoring Files You can use the .gitignore file to tell GitKraken Desktop to ignore files in your repo that you don’t wa...
Nested .gitignore files are not parsed. Ignoring previously tracked files If a file was previously committed to your repo, then you will see the following options when you attempt to ignore it: Selecting Ignore will add the corresponding entry to the .gitignore file, but the changes will not...
Type: Bug I'm not sure it is a bug or an intentional change, but focus moves from Changes list to Source Control panel when Git: Stage Changes or Git: Unstage Changes command is executed. It seems it was introduced in version 1.86.0 and ...
phantom01@phantom01-VirtualBox:~/work/learn_git$ git status# On branch master## Initial commit## Changes to be committed:# (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)## new file: Changes not staged for commit:# (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be ...
VSCode Version: 1.53.0-insider OS Version: macOS 10.15.7 Steps to Reproduce: Use Git's interactive rebase to generate a conflict Resolve the conflict using vscode and save the file Execute the "Git: Stage Changes" command Expected: The c...
Changes not staged forcommit: (use"git add <file>..."toupdatewhat will be committed) (use"git checkout -- <file>..."todiscard changesinworkingdirectory) modified: 其中"Changes not staged for commit"是说没有被提交到暂存区。
git: throw away all those garbage changes and let's start again from the last point where all the tests worked. Only after all the tests pass and we have 100% code coverage do we commit the final staged changes. This model works in a number of Git clients, including com...
In the new MR form, note that the changed file has not been picked up in "Changes" tab for the MR (at the bottom of the form) This might look counter-intuitive for the end-users even though it follows the original path ofgit. ...
在git pull rebase的时候有冲突,在临时分支上找到冲突文件,解决冲突后,执行了git add .,然后执行git rebase --continue出现“If there is nothing left to stage,chances are that something else already introduced the same changes; you might want to skip this patch.” ...
Options to customize the data captured about work items and their status. We currently rely on labels for this information, but our customers have expressed the need for a more structured approach. A lightweight custom data solution in GitLab has the ability to enable a wide range of use cas...