This Is The Essence House Also Known As Vanilla’s Home Which Is The Kitchen - Jung Rhythm - Stage 1 - Download Free 3D model by Maria Jameela (@nastasiafilipas)
Free 3D Model Stage Speaker Sound Box, model ID5144 file format provided in .max file size 1.58 MB. This 3d Audio equipment object contains 7883 polygons, 8645 vertices, materials and textures, It is ready to use, just put it into your scene. Stage Speaker Sound Box 3d model related to...
Wither Storm Stage 5.5 by fernanda02jpmc 3D Loading 3D model Model is too heavy for your device and can not be rendered properly Model Inspector 00:00.00 x0.1 x0.5 x1 x2
Join 14,800,000 engineers with over 6,410,000 free CAD files Join the Community The CAD files and renderings posted to this website are created, uploaded and managed by third-party community members. This content and associated text is in no way sponsored by or affiliated with any company,...
White Male 3d Model Edit image Audience Backlit Band Edit image New York Church Edit image Wehr Nature Center Edit image New York City Edit image Flower Tulip Daffodils Edit image Usa New York Manhattan Edit image New York City Edit image Business Time Edit image Chengdu Tianfu Interna... Edit...
Model Number ST-TT Brand Name SHOW TIMEView more DescriptionReport Item Specifications: USB Disk: 2 Pcs Occasion: Professional Stage & DJ Dongle: Included in USB Version: 10.1 and 11.0 Keywords: 3D Experience Platform Login, Tiger Electronic R Zone, 3D Graphics Programming, Overhead Intelligence,...
Anchor-free Head 共有5+2个head,跟之前的AFDet相比增加了两个额外分支,IoU branch和辅助分支Keypoints预测。 IoU branch,2D检测已经很成熟了,3D 检测也有很多应用了,主要还是为了解决分类置信度和box定位精度不匹配的问题。辅助分支关键点预测,能预测物体框的角点,可以更好的帮助网络学习物体的边缘信息。雷达反射回...
Model Number 20211107 Gender WOMEN Material SPANDEX Item Type Dai Dance Costume Dance Type Chinese Folk Dance Origin Mainland ChinaView more DescriptionReport Item Specifications: Material: Spandex Dance Type: Chinese Folk Dance Origin: Guangdong, China Gender: Women Design: 3D Printing with Tassels and...
This three-stage gearbox design delivers a sequence of gear ratios (1:4, 1:3, and 1:2) for a broad range of mechanical applications. The ass...
FCOS-LiDAR: Fully Convolutional One-Stage 3D Object Detection on LiDAR Range Images 本文主要提出了lidar-based 的Range View视角下的3D目标检测方法。 主要亮点: range view, 只使用标准卷积; 在range view,使用了多帧,并且优化方法能有一个比较好的效果; ...