Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 2 Should Be Considered High Risk Individuals for Primary PreventionMdRadziA.B.KasimS.S.ingentaconnectInternational Journal of Cardiology
The meaning of END-STAGE RENAL DISEASE is the final stage of kidney failure (as that resulting from diabetes, chronic hypertension, or glomerulonephritis) that is marked by the complete or nearly complete irreversible loss of renal function —called also
Chronic Kidney Disease–Epidemiology Formula and Model for End-Stage Liver Disease Score in the Assessment of Renal Function in Candidates for Liver Transp... Chronic kidney disease- epidemiology formula and Model for End-Stage Liver Disease score in the assessment of renal function in candidates fo...
A triple-marker approach for chronic kidney disease (CKD) evaluation has not been well studied.To evaluate whether combining creatinine, cystatin C, and urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio (ACR) would improve identification of risks associated with CKD compared with creatinine alone.Prospective cohort st...
Stage 1 chronic kidney disease (CKD) is defined by normal renal function, an estimated glomerular filtration rate of >90 mL/minute and abnormalities on urinalysis or ultrasound. These patients when pregnant are commonly seen, and diagnoses include diabetic nephropathy, glomerulonephritis, nephrolithiasis...
Kidney damage with normal kidney function, eGFR of 90 or higher glomerular filtration rate (eGFR)chronic kidney disease (CKD) Symptoms of stage 1 kidney disease Many people do not experiencesymptoms of kidney diseaseuntil the later stages of CKD. Possible stage 1 kidney disease symptoms and signs...
Among older adults with chronic kidney disease (CKD), the comparative event rates of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and cause-specific death are unknown. To compare the rates of ESRD, cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular death and examine risk factors for ESRD and all-cause mortality in Cardiov...
Chronic Kidney Disease, Stage 5 The Kidney Wiki 27 个页面 分类:CKD 大陆简体 IntervalAction (Reference)Every month Check Ca/P/iPTH (KDOQI) 社区内容除另有注明外,均在CC-BY-SA许可协议下提供。
近年来,随着慢性肾脏病(Chronic kidney disease, CKD)患者的发病率的逐年升高,进入终末期肾脏病(ESRD)维持性血液透析(MHD)患者人数也逐年增多。作为一类特殊人群,MHD患者合并抑郁状态发病率较普通人群及其它慢性病患者更高,其对预后的影响也是相当显著的,本研究主要通过随访调查维持血液透析合并抑郁状态患者的短期预后...
ContextA triple-marker approach for chronic kidney disease (CKD) evaluation has not been well studied.ObjectiveTo evaluate whether combining creatinine,