The CRN has recorded new cancer cases in Norway since 1953. The registry database is considered 98.8% complete, and for breast cancer, 99.3% of cases were morphologically verified [22]. The current study included women aged 20–74 years with a primary invasive breast cancer (ICD 10 =...
Women aged 70–99 years with TNM stage IV disease in the UK had much lower 1-year survival than women aged 50–69 years (42.2% vs 60.0%); the difference in Sweden was smaller (58.5% vs 69.1%). Excess hazards. The stage-specific excess hazard of dying from breast cancer for women ...
Breast cancer (BC) is the most commonly diagnosed malignant disease and the leading cause of cancer death in women in Austria. We investigated overall and subgroup-specific female breast cancer rates to provide a comprehensive analysis of trends over sev
The outcome of interest was death due to breast cancer identified using International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) codes, autopsy, or death certification. Cause of death was determined based on SEER records. Women were followed from the month of breast cancer diagnosis until...
Consistent results applied to colorectal, lung, breast, prostate and other cancers. Conclusions Aboriginal peoples with cancer have an elevated hazard of cancer death compared with non-Aboriginal people, after accounting for more advanced stage and competing causes of death. Further research is needed ...
RD-Stage is routinely reported as an annual trend by the Victorian Cancer Registry (VCR) for bowel and breast cancer, and melanoma [21]. RD-stage (Lung cancer) is not routinely reported by the VCR because of poor completeness at a population-level (~ 57%) and RD-Stage (Prostate ...
Conclusions and Relevance In this phase 1 nonrandomized clinical trial, immunization with the 100-μg dose of the ERBB2 ICD plasmid-based vaccine was associated with generation of ERBB2-specific type 1 T cells in most patients with ERBB2-expressing breast cancer, and it is currently being eval...
1. Introduction Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) accounts for 10%–20% of lung cancer cases and is the most malignant and lethal subtype, characterized by rapid tumor development, early metastasis, treatment resistance, and recurrence susceptibility [1]. Approximately 60%–70% of initial diagnoses ...
MATERIALS AND METHODS Data We analysed information on the stage at diagnosis of East of England patients diagnosed with female breast ('breast' hereafter) and lung cancer during the 4-year period 2006 – 2009 (International Classification of Diseases (ICD)-10 codes C50 and C34, respectively). ...
The New Zealand Cancer Registry (NZCR) was used to identify patients diagnosed with one of nine cancers (01 January 2006–31 December 2008), which were then clustered into five cancer 'groups': female breast (ICD-10-AM code: C50), colorectal (C18–C20), gynaecolo- gical (ovarian (C56...