Substance Abuse Among Nursing Staff: Prevalence and Sociodemographic and Clinical CharacteristicsAbou ElallaEman;AwaadMona;ElhabibyMahmoud;KhalilSherien;NaguibMohamedAddictive Disorders & Their Treatment
According to a survey, 57 percent of EU/EEA educated nursing staff said one of the main reasons they left the register was because they were leaving the UK. This statistic displays the share of reasons for nurses and midwifes that trained in the European Union to leave the Nursing and Midw...
GeorgeBrownCollegewillprovidehigh-quality educationthatmeetstheevolvingsocialandeconomic developmentneedsofthecommunitiesweserve,and enablesstudentstosucceedinachievingtheir individualcareerandlifegoals. •Toviewwhatthecollegewilldotoachieveitsmission pleasegoto: TableofContents ...
9. 9. Groups to provide nursing Groups to provide nursing assistants with support and the assistants with support and the development of coping skills development of coping skills should be utilized more widely should be utilized more widely Recommendations on Staff Recommendations on Staff Support ...
Cultural Safety and Nursing Education in Aotearoa and Te Waipounamu; Victoria University: Wellington, New Zealand, 2002. [Google Scholar] Williamson, M.; Harrison, L. Providing culturally appropriate care: A literature review. Int. J. Nurs. Stud. 2010, 47, 761–769. [Google Scholar] [Cross...
This was further supported when the participants were divided into three groups depending on their professional roles: medical staff, nursing staff, and non-medical, allied health professionals (F = 0.775, p = 0.463). However, professionals working in the liaison service, as well as those in ...