Application Put the Job you are applying for in the Subject of your email. Real Name: Age: (not a factor, really) Screen Name: (or preferred nickname if you don't have one) Discord Username: (required for ALL positions,free to download here) ...
Our webhooks can be found within the StaffCircle web application under the integration section of settings. You can use the flow trigger "When a HTTP request is received" to generate a URL that can be given to the StaffCircle webhook to trigger a workflow....
Apply for Staff Please answer the questions honestly, and to the best of your ability. Applying through this form is required in order to become an EMC Staff member because by submitting this application, you are telling us that you WANT to be staff and you WANT to put forth the effort ...
Hey, I'm Moh, one of the three Community Moderation Managers here at TruckersMP, from the United Kingdom "oop Norf". I registered for an account back in December 2014, playing on and off throughout the years. My interest in the mod was re-ignited when the Discord guild was launched in...
I tried to run Affinity previously, but only got to the point of "VK_CHILD_WINDOW_RENDERING" not being implemented and after not using Affinity Photo for a long time to stay with Linux I got the following message on Discord: So I had to try it out and what can I say? It works fla...