Our STAEDTLER Mars micro carbon refill leads are the quick and easy solution when it comes to refilling your mechanical pencils. They come in a compact plastic tube with an innovative push-button mechanism and funnel-shaped tip. Simply place the tip in the open end of the pencil you want to...
STAEDTLER® 77N R52Spare erasersWallet containing 5 spare erasers for Mars micro 775 and graphite 779 Previous 1(current) 2 Next Mechanical pencils are particularly suitable for drawing, sketching and writing. Their major advantage is that you don’t need to sharpen them (with the exception of...
Staedtler Marsmicro Carbon Mechanical Pencil LeadsDescription Reviews Mechanical pencil lead for use on paper and drawing card Smooth-gliding lead Jet black lines Highly flexible - extremely break-resistant Easy to erase ISO colour coding Suitable for use with all mechanical pencils 12 leads per tube...
Staedtler Mars Micro 775 Mechanical Pencil B 0.3mm - Trova il prezzo più basso su Klarna ✓ Confronta i prezzi (aggiornato oggi) dai negozi 3 stores ✓ RISPARMIA sul tuo acquisto oggi!
【德国亚马逊】 Staedtler Mars micro 775 SC WP3 Druckbleistift, rutschfeste Gummigriffzone, Set mit 3 Linienbreiten 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, blau, nachfüllbar, taschensicher, bruchgeschützt, hohe Qualität: Bürobedarf & Schreibwaren ¥76 9.75欧元 汇率7.82 更新于刚刚 ...
Rosense 洛神诗 玫瑰水 300ml 11.99欧(约92元) cici5845211314 刚刚 20.13万1 德国亚马逊 德亚直邮 Schaebens 雪本诗保湿细致精华胶囊 7粒*6 5.7欧(约45元) cici5845211314 刚刚 20.06万1 德国亚马逊 德亚直邮 B&O PLAY H6 HiFi 头戴式耳机第二代 黑白可选 175欧(约1349元) ...
Staedtler Mars Micro 775|จุดเขียน 0.5 มม. คมชัด:ปากกา Staedtler 775 มีจุดเขียนขนาด 0.5 มม. ให้เส้นเล็กชัดเจน ...
笔夹是很明显的施德楼老标后期风格,和mars-techno(新7770)是一模一样的。 接下来就是拆笔了,结构上与普通全自动铅笔一样的,看上去确实与红环的automatic很像,全自动机构采用可视窗的结构,看起来是还可以继续拆的不过不忍心啦。 说到这结构想起了之前提起的777的另一种出铅方式,其实这是与弹簧位置有关,像这款...
Staedtler Mars Rasor 526 61BK-C 2,90 € 3negozi Staedtler Temperamatite Noris Tradition 511 1 Foro 3,56 € 3negozi Staedtler Mars Micro 775 Mechanical Pencil 0.9mm 3,99 € 3negozi Staedtler Mars Micro 775 Mechanical Pencil B 0.3mm