The STAEDTLER Mars matic also comes in a set: With four or seven assorted line widths A technical pen compass adapter A refill bottle of drawing ink A template attachment for working with lettering guides or a ruler Tip: When working with a compass, the compass requires a screw thread to...
(255,255,255)">Mars Matic 700 M013×
德国施德楼绘图针管笔STAEDTLER Mars Matic 0.1手绘笔 距您较近 针管笔 施德楼品牌 东莞市康达商贸有限公司 广东东莞 查看详情 ¥13.50元 ≥12支 德国施德楼(Staedtler)308005-9 针管勾线笔 距您较近 施德楼品牌 深圳市海升创科技有限公司 广东深圳 查看详情 ¥5.60元 ≥360支 德国施德楼staedtler52661 胶...
【评】Staedtl..说起施德楼全自动铅笔,有众所周知的五毒之一micromatic(编号777)、有价格昂贵的Hi matic(编号774)。而这支retromatic(从名称上看应该是778)名气远不如前两款,一方面是
STAEDTLER Mars 572 S Available with 5 mm or 7 mm letter height Line width: 0.5 mm or 0.7 mm Suitable technical pens: STAEDTLER Mars matic 700 M05 or M07 Standard lettering conforming to ISO 3098/1B Special edge to prevent smudging when drawing with ink Tip: Even professionals make mistakes...
Suitable technical pens: STAEDTLER Mars matic 700 M05 or M07 Standard lettering conforming to ISO 3098/1B Special edge to prevent smudging when drawing with ink Tip:Even professionals make mistakes when drawing or need to amend details. The Mars plastic eraser is the ideal solution here: ...