亚马逊海外购购买地址>> 这款Staedtler 施德楼 334 M50 勾线笔套装 铁盒装,共含50支不同色彩勾线笔,色彩亮丽鲜艳,而且笔的尾端刻有色号,符合人体工程学的三角形笔杆,让书写更加舒适。Dry-Safe技术,离盖防干,即使几天忘记盖上笔盖,笔尖也不会干燥。PP材质笔杆,防止墨水挥发,延长使用寿命。水性墨水,出墨均匀顺畅...
Thanks to their special Dry Safe ink, STAEDTLER whiteboard markers can be left uncapped for days without drying up. This is a really practical feature, as lectures and presentations won’t grind to a halt because your marker won’t write. If you want to switch colours when writing, you don...
DRY SAFE technology: the pen can be left uncapped for days without any danger of it drying up. (Standard atmosphere according to ISO 554) STAEDTLER fineliners are available in various packaging and size options: Practical stand-up STAEDTLER fineliner box containing a set of 4, 6, 10 or 20...
Dry Safe - może leżeć cały dzień otwarty i nie wyschnie (test ISO 554)trzonek i nasadka z PP zapewniają długi okres użytkowania• pisak uniwersalny do rzutników i prawie wszystkich powierzchni, przystosowany również do płyt CD/DVD• Doskonale odporny na ście...
施德楼创新的 Dry Safe 墨水技术(墨水快干技术),可保证笔尖裸露在空气中数天而不干涸,正因为如此,使用寿命大大延长。
Permanent, low-odour ink Lightfast colours: black, brown Weatherproof colour black Stand-up STAEDTLER box PP barrel and cap guarantee long service life DRY SAFE - can be left uncapped for days without drying up (Test ISO 554) Airplane-safe - automatic pressure equalization ...
DRY SAFE – marker może być otwarty cały dzień i nie wyschnie Airplane safe – automatyczne wyrównywanie ciśnienia zapobiega rozlaniu pisaka w samolocie Wysoka jakość barw Szerokość linii B – szeroka, ok. 1,0–2,5 mm ...
Triplus Fineliners feature an ergonomic triangle shape for fatigue-free writing and drawing, and the silky, smooth barrel surface feels great to the touch. Triplus pens are DRY SAFE; they can be left uncapped for days without drying up! This set includes yellow, magenta, red, orange, light ... : Staedtler Lumocolor Non-Permanent Fine Point Markers, 0.6mm F, Assorted, 4 Count (STD316WP4A6) : Dry Erase Markers : Office Products
编号:STD8461070K ●产品描述: 341 Lumocolor White Board Compact Marker Pens With universal tip for variable line widths of approx. 1-2mm. DRY SAFE - can be left uncapped for days without drying up (test ISO 554). Can be dry-wiped from whiteboards and surfaces such as glass and porcelain...