Stadler KISS动车组Dresden Hbf启动Toutatis1997 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多1724 -- 0:47 App BR408(ICE3 velaroD neo)新车下线试验,电机调制音阶与前代产品ICE3 (BR407)以及我们购买的velaro CN(CHR3C二代)不同 1847 -- 0:53 App Dresden Hbf(德累斯顿总站)新春迎新车,莱比锡机辆段...
The company has sold more than 550 KISS trains so far. Recently, Deutsche Bahn’s subsidiaryDB Regioawarded a new order to Stadler for its FLIRT Akku trains, a battery-operated version of the FLIRT type series.
The company has sold more than 550 KISS trains so far.Recently, Deutsche Bahn’s subsidiary DB Regio awarded a new order to Stadler for its FLIRT Akku trains, a battery-operated version of the FLIRT type series.Sign up for our daily news round-up! Give your business an edge with our ...