Fully electric (overhead contact line; 3 rail / battery) Maximum speed 120 km/h Gauge 950mm to 1435mm Contact wire voltage 600 V DC to 1500 V DC Axle load Up to 15t METRO Marta METRO Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority
Development and design of gear and gearbox designs on time are our strengths, as is our intensive training program for KISSsoft engineering calculation programs. The patent for our Stadler reducer is pending. 产品总览: 锥齿轮 蜗杆轴和齿轮 齿轮架 链轮 花键和异性轴 齿轮 内部齿轮 法兰轮和齿带 ...
Development and design of gear and gearbox designs on time are our strengths, as is our intensive training program for KISSsoft engineering calculation programs. The patent for our Stadler reducer is pending. 产品总览: 锥齿轮 蜗杆轴和齿轮 齿轮架 链轮 花键和异性轴 齿轮 内部齿轮 法兰轮和齿带 ...
和谐号CRH3C原型--德国ICE3在法兰克福机场站的原版防空警报GTO VVVF音 00:49 柏林动物园火车站听Stadler KISS启停音/德铁BR182机车音阶起步/正线跨站的ICE1 (Zoologischer Garten& ODEG/ DB) 02:11 柏林小站Lichterfelde Süd看多款德铁车型快速通过:BR112机车/ICE4&ICE1型动车组/BR482/走行IC的庞巴迪Twindex...
16列6车编组KISS型双层动车 19列7车编组列车 亚特兰大地铁项目 127列2车编组列车 3.Stadler计划扩大白俄罗斯工厂的生产 2019年2月,Stadler公司负责人访问明斯克工厂,并与白俄罗斯政府官员讨论建立新生产线的问题。 Stadler希望继续发展白俄罗斯工厂的生产能力,计划通过推出列车转换器来扩大产品范围,预计新产品将交付给西欧国...
Stadler KISS动车组Dresden Hbf启动Toutatis1997 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多1724 -- 0:47 App BR408(ICE3 velaroD neo)新车下线试验,电机调制音阶与前代产品ICE3 (BR407)以及我们购买的velaro CN(CHR3C二代)不同 1847 -- 0:53 App Dresden Hbf(德累斯顿总站)新春迎新车,莱比锡机辆段...
Switzerland-based Stadler has secured a contract from Austrian Federal Railways ÖBB to deliver 41 new KISS-type double-decker units.
Customer trust and flexibility from production to gear quality 4 and consistent process safety. Development and design of gear and gearbox designs on time are our strengths, as is our intensive training program for KISSsoft engineering calculation programs. The patent for our Stadler reducer is ...
美国湾区 Caltrain电气化改造采购的动车组是 Stadler Kiss 型,国际化做得还是不错的 ...
The framework agreement, worth up to $3.39bn (€3bn), has a runtime of ten years.It involves the manufacture and delivery of four, five and six-car double-decker multiple-unit KISS trains.Stadler will manufacture the trains at its new centre of excellence for double-decker trains in St ...