SPRO - SAP Project Reference Object ST01 - System Trace ST04 - DB Performance Analysis ST05 - Performance Analysis ST11 - Display Trace Files ST22 - ABAP Runtime Error STAD - Business Transaction Analysis STDR - Object Directory Consistency Check in SAP SU56 - User Authorization ...
transaction STZAC in client 000 should be exactly the same as the OStime zone setting. Configuring the Workload Monitor http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw70ehp1/helpdata/en/2d/b8be3befaefc75e10000000a114084/frameset.htm Please check: #926290 - SWNCCOLL: SAP workload NW collector collects ...
you will see the list of profile parameters realted to STAD transaction,check note 6833this will help you to configure your statistics record But I would suggest you not to go with STAD options,you can check all the logs in ST03 transaction that you want to monitor as STAD can have perfo...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, To all the tables used in the transaction STAD.. Goto System-> Status. From there you will get the main program for that transaction. Then goto SE80 and you will get all the table names used in this Tcode. Hope this will solve your requirement...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi All, If you run STAD you get a list of fields could I know the exact meaning of these below; User - This is the User who ran the transaction. Response time (ms) - How long the tranaction took to response in mili seconds. Time in WPs (ms...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP NetWeaver Application Server SAP NetWeaver Application Server SAP NetWeaver View products (1) Hi, Is there any CCMS monitor which will provide the result similar to the STAD transaction code output or is it possible to create the custom CCMS monitor for STAD transaction?