StackStorm docker-compose deployment. Contribute to StackStorm/st2-docker development by creating an account on GitHub.
Assuming Docker engine and docker-compose are properly installed, getting started is easy. First, clone the st2-docker repository. Unless specified otherwise, all subsequent commands assume they are run within st2-docker directory: git clone cd st2-docker ...
1:修改docker-compose.yml 新增挂在目录,目的是将st2使用ssh时的配置放到宿主机的目录中,方便修改维护 主要是将st2中的/etc/st2/st2.conf 映射到st2-etc-config-volume:/etc/st2 默认的映射目录在(centos7): /var/lib/docker/volumes/ 进入/var/lib/docker/volumes/ 编辑st2.conf (配置ssh 运行是指定的用...
动作分为三种,为通用动作(ssh,REST调用),集成动作(OpenStack,Docker,Puppet)和自定义操作这三种。 动作可以是Python插件或者是任何脚本,我们通过添加几行 metadata 的数据来将脚本调用到 StackStorm中。 动作可以由用户通过 CLI 或 API 来直接调用,或者作为 rules 和 workflows的一部分来使用。 规则(Rules)将触发器...
Limitless Business Applications Stackstorm can be used to automate and streamline nearly any part of your business. Here are some of the most common applications. Automated Remediation When failures happen, StackStorm can act as Tier 1 support: It troubleshoots, fixes known problems, and escalates...
rm -rf docker docker-17.05.0-ce.tgz ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/tini", "--"] CMD bash / 注意: 笔者裁剪掉了chatops以及Mistral原因是在前期刚学习的时候并不能用上。还能节省大量配置时间。 在构建中加入了entrypoint脚本,是启动的时候执行的脚本流程描述如下: ...
This docker-compose is provided as a way to allow "get up and running" quickly with StackStorm using Docker (based on st2-dockerfiles). It is not designed to be used in production, but rather a way to test out StackStorm and facilitate pack development....
提交 .circle Split GHA workflow into multiple jobs so we avoid spinning services and 4年前 .circleci CircleCI: Try updating PIP_VERSION in st2-packages on the fly 3个月前 .github Update init-pants action (py3.11 for pants-plugins)
有通用动作(ssh,REST调用),集成(OpenStack,Docker,Puppet)或自定义操作。 动作是Python插件或任何脚本,通过添加几行元数据将其消耗到StackStorm中。 动作可以由用户通过CLI或API直接调用,或者作为规则和工作流程的一部分使用和调用。规则(Rules)将触发器映射到动作(或工作流),应用匹配条件并将触发器加载到动作输入中。