First, the compiler defined a secret global variable for each inbound function parameter, plus another secret global variable for each function to hold the return address. It also defined a secret global variable for each of the function’s local variables. To generate a function call, the comp...
Sixty-nanometer-deep trenches are first patterned by plasma etching in the SiARC/SoC stack using the resist mask. The PS-b-PDMS is then spread on the substrate surface. Directed self-assembly (DSA) of the BCP is induced by a solvent vapor annealing process and PDMS cylinders p...
warning: percona-toolkit-2.2.19-1.noarch.rpm:Header V4 DSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID cd2efd2a: NOKEY Preparing... ### [100%] 1:percona-toolkit ### [100%] 三、源码编译数据库 [roo[root@localhost ~]# yum -y install ncurses-devel [root@localhost ~]# tar xf cmake-2.8.6.tar.gz [ro...
I have a confession - in the last chapter I had you spend a lot of time learning how to create Docker Swarm services with the command line, but you won't ever do that in a real project. It's a useful way to get started with orchestration and to help understand the difference ...
force markings into a safe state via "execstack -c $BINARY" during package build. Main/Restricted Packages Unidentified None known Trampolines klibc (setjmp implementation) kexec-tools (statically linked against klibc) mono(but only in the i386 debugger, it seems) ...
I am on macOS Sierra: 10.12.5, running Python 2.7. Had some issues installing in OSX, and ended up finding this was the issue (when running sudo pip install blockstack --upgrade): DEPRECATION: Uninstalling a distutils installed project (...