However, when it comes to hierarchical optimization and asymmetric information, Nash equilibrium is ineffective. The Stackelberg game provides us with an idea of leader-follower strategy to cope with this conundrum. The paper investigates hierarchical optimal control for continuous-time two-player input-...
In Nash games, it is noted that each player makes decisions simultaneously, indicating that they are all rational at the same level. The Stackelberg game, in contrast to the Nash game, is a significant type of noncooperative game with a mechanism for hierarchical decision-making. In the ...
This is a Stackelberg game, and the achievement of a Nash equilibrium (NE) is a well-known optimality criterion to analyze the outcome of the Stackelberg game. Therefore, the strategies chosen by different SUs depend on each other and an equilibrium between SUs’ utility and the PU’s ...
Considering the interference constraints, SUs compete for the available spectrum so as to satisfy their communication requirements. However, when a SU selfishly chooses a strategy to increase its own utility, it may increase the interference level of the PU and other SUs. Therefore, the strategies ...
Solution concepts such as the Nash equilibrium and Stackelberg are based on the assumption of perfect rationality. Stackelberg is one of the most significant types of game, where the leader is committed to implement a particular strategy, and the following players begin to make decisions given the...
Literatures [9–11] are interested in Stackelberg game with partial information. For more control and game problems of stochastic systems, please refer to [12–20]. Show abstract Adaptive Dynamic Programming for a Nonlinear Two-Player Non-Zero-Sum Differential Game With State and Input Constraints...
Stackelberg Nash game Besides the discrete-valued switching input σ0K, if there exists an extra continuous-valued control input u0K, then an appropriately designed control strategy u0K can be beneficial to the defence against malicious attacks. Therefore, this additional freedom of design should be...
Adaptive Dynamic Programming for a Nonlinear Two-Player Non-Zero-Sum Differential Game With State and Input Constraints 2024, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control A Three-level Stochastic Linear-quadratic Stackelberg Differential Game with Asymmetric Information 2023, Proceedings of the 35th...
By solving the Nash equilibrium for each period, the optimal price and optimal trading volume can be obtained. As the input parameters of the model, the electricity demand must be accurately forecasted. To improve the accuracy of the demand forecasting results, in this section, we use the ...
By solving the Nash equilibrium for each period, the optimal price and optimal trading volume can be obtained. As the input parameters of the model, the electricity demand must be accurately forecasted. To improve the accuracy of the demand forecasting results, in this section, we use the ...