I have got a question about creating a stacked barplot in R with ggplot2. What I want to create is a stacked bar plot in which every bar is placed "on top" of the other. x = c(100,200,400,600,800,1000,1250,1500) y1 = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) y2 = c(8,7,6,5,4,3...
rscu是一个字典,密码子是键,对应的RSCU是值 写一个简单的脚本获得使用R语言的ggplot2作图的输入文件 fromCAIimportRSCUfromBioimportSeqIO c2aa={'TGT':'Cys','UGU':'Cys','TGC':'Cys','UGC':'Cys','GAT':'Asp','GAU':'Asp','GAC':'Asp','GAC':'Asp','TCT':'Ser','UCU':'Ser','TCG':'...
seqs = [rec.seq for rec in SeqIO.parse('codon_usage_example.fasta','fasta')] rscu = RSCU(seqs) rscu是一个字典,密码子是键,对应的RSCU是值 写一个简单的脚本获得使用R语言的ggplot2作图的输入文件 from CAI import RSCU from Bio import SeqIO c2aa = { 'TGT':'Cys', 'UGU':'Cys', 'TGC...
seqs = [rec.seq for rec in SeqIO.parse('codon_usage_example.fasta','fasta')] rscu = RSCU(seqs) 1. 2. 3. 4. rscu是一个字典,密码子是键,对应的RSCU是值 写一个简单的脚本获得使用R语言的ggplot2作图的输入文件 from CAI import RSCU from Bio import SeqIO c2aa = { 'TGT':'Cys', 'UG...
I'm trying to create a stacked bar graph with errorbars* using ggplot2, similar to the plot below: I've used the following code: df<-data.frame(substrate=gl(6,2,12,labels=letters[1:6]),depth=gl(2,1,12,labels=c("surf","deep")),mean=10*runif(12),err=runif(12))p<-ggplot(...
seq for rec in SeqIO.parse('codon_usage_example.fasta','fasta')] rscu = RSCU(seqs) rscu是一个字典,密码子是键,对应的RSCU是值 写一个简单的脚本获得使用R语言的ggplot2作图的输入文件 代码语言:javascript 复制 from CAI import RSCU from Bio import SeqIO c2aa = { 'TGT':'Cys', 'UGU':'...
209-the-options-of-barplot_files 21-distribution-plot-using-ggplot2_files 210-custom-barplot-layout_files 211-basic-grouped-or-stacked-barplot_files 215-interactive-heatmap-with-plotly_files 215-the-heatmap-function_files 218-basic-barplots-with-ggplot2_files 22-order-boxplot-labels...
Hi, I am probably missing something really obvious, but is there a way to flip the plotting coordinates (have samples along the y-axis) of the stacked assignment barplots? I attempted to do this by converting a plot to a ggplot object and then using coord_flip() but it did not change...
If you decide you'd rather have clustered bars instead of stacked bars, you can just add the option beside = TRUE to the barplot.The full code is available in a gist. Citations and Further Reading Reshape http://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-patched/library/stats/html/reshape.html Stacked ba...
●相关性:Scatter、Heatmap、Correlogram等 ●排名:Barplot、Spider/Radar等 ●整体与部分:Grouped and Stacked barplot、Pie chart等 ●进化:Line plot、Area等 ●地图:Map、Choropleth等 ●连接与流程:Chord diagram、Sankey等 ●通用知识:Ggplot2、Animation等相关内容 ...