1. Stack Program in C using Array/*Stack implementation using static array*/ #include<stdio.h> //Pre-processor macro #define stackCapacity 5 int stack[stackCapacity], top=-1; void push(int); int pop(void); int isFull(void); int isEmpty(void); void traverse(void); void atTop(void)...
C Stack: Exercise-1 with Solution Write a C program to implement a stack using an array with push and pop operations. Sample Solution: C Code: #include <stdio.h> #define MAX_SIZE 100 // Maximum size of the stack int stack[MAX_SIZE]; // Array to implement the stack int top = -1...
Q) Write a program in C language for the implementation of stack. [20 Marks] Stack is called as an ADT that is Abstract Data Type. ADT is user defined data type which is combination of built in data type with some legal functions. Stack is implemented using array and some legal ...
I am trying to execute following C program using gcc compiler. #include<stdio.h>intmain(){int*a[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6};printf("\narr0=%d\n", *a);printf("arr1=%d\n", *(a+1));printf("arr2=%d\n", *a+2);printf("arr3=%d\n", *a+3);printf("arr4=%d\n", *a+4);r...
I wrote my own radix sort program to see how it would fare versus the original program. It's rather long and written in C: /// This program does an inplace sort of a file using radixsort combined with// quicksort. There is a limitation on the amount of memory that may be...
The output of the program should be a clear and formatted display of the student information, presenting the roll number, name, and percentage for each student in the array. Code Output: This output demonstrates the successful creation and display of an array of structs in C using static ...
In the following example, the call to memset cannot be optimized away. The program needs to execute memset as efficiently as possible. Copy #include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>struct MyStruct{int array[12];};void DoStuff(MyStruct* s){printf("hi", (int*)&s); // Pass the "s" poi...
Also note crucially how the above code illustrates how comma expressions are fine in a non-declarator context. The reason (for why parentheses are needed in array declarators) appears to be that in the C standard the array size in square brackets is an assignment-expressio...
I created this program that read two arrays from the user(L1 and L2) and prints L1 - L2 if L2 is a sub array of L1.For example, if L1 ={'a','2','c','d','e'} and L2 ={'2','c','d'} then it should print {'a', 'e'}. But I am having ...
For reference (haha, a pun), complex numbers using a value type for storage is probably the single most compelling example for value types in the context of performance. For example, computing the FFT of an array of complex numbers is ~5.5x faster with a value type than a reference typ...