开发者报告 2017 完整版 | Stack Overflow 官方出品 简评:程序员指南,通过大量数据,完整呈现 2017 年程序员的状态,其中包括程序员属性、工作、编程语言等几大块,多样化,系统化讲明过去的现状以及未来的趋势。 从2011 年开始,stackoverflow 每年都会出一份官方的开发者报告,而今年,有超过 64000 名开发者参与了此次调...
一、参加在线课程 根据StackOverFlow 2017开发者调查显示,有64.5%的人通过在线课程学习新技术。本人其实也参与过一些在线课程,免费的付费的都有,效果还可以。国内也有类似的在线课程的网站,为了避免广告嫌疑,我就不在这里列举了。 既然这一项在所有开发者投票中排名***,你不妨试一试,万一适合你呢。在线课程***的好处...
具体代码可以移步我的kaggle主页: EDA of Stack Overflow Developer Surveywww.kaggle.com/ronlee12355/eda-of-stack-overflow-developer-survey/code
He did add that the numbers might be skewed, with younger developers more likely to participate in the survey. The survey covered a range of topics, ranging from employment to preferred and disdained software development technologies. Stack Overflow found that only 13.1 percent of developers were ...
尽管这并不是非常准确。因为PostgreSQL对程序员要更友好一些,下图是来自StackOverflow 2017年的一些统计,参考Developer Survey Results 2017: 最想要的数据库 最爱的数据库 如果只是说关系型数据库,那么“StackOverflow年度统计中开发者最爱和最想要的关系型数据库”这个结论不难得出。
Those are some of the insights gleaned from a new survey of 55,000 developers worldwide courtesy of Stack Overflow, the massively trafficked question-and-answer-format site used by developers of every stripe. Stack Overflow developers work on JavaScript and the Web the most. Of those surveyed,...
It's important to note that in 2017/2018, the survey changed drastically, which is why we see a big change in the numbers. Interpretation #1 It seems reasonable to conclude that the trend for the last decade has been that there is a shrinking percentage of developers who do only front...
Note: Cross-posted with the Stack Overflow blog The 2017 Stack Overflow Developer Survey opened last week, and we on the Data Team are looking forward to analyzing the survey results to better understand our developer community. I am particularly interested in women in tech, for probably obvious...
This is a directory that stores the process to access data and wrangle data FileAbout2017 wrangle the survey data in the 2017. Done by ZenRay Overflow_2018 wrangle the survey data in the 2018, and analysis the data between 2017 and 2018. Done by AAAlvin Collaborator AAAlvin ZenRay About...
Stack Overflow 发布了 2017 开发者调查报告,此次有超过 64,000 名开发人员参与调查,分别对其技能、工具、学习趋势等数据进行了统计,现将其中一些有趣的数据和趋势撷取出来分享给大家。 一、开发角色 开发类型 大约有四分之三的受访者是 web 开发人员,不过这其中也有许多人表示正在努力构建桌面应用和移动应用。