RuntimeError: stack expects a non-empty tensorlist 这个错误通常发生在使用 PyTorch 的 torch.stack 函数时,传递给它的 tensorlist(张量列表)为空。以下是一些解决这个问题的步骤和建议: 1. 确认错误信息的上下文 首先,需要确认触发该错误的代码段。假设我们有以下代码: python import torch # 假设 tensors 是...
/deepspeed/runtime/zero/", line 2028, in get_grad_norm_direct total_norm_cuda = torch.sum(torch.pow(torch.stack(grad_norms), 2)) RuntimeError: stack expects a non-empty TensorList More specifically, the error occurs at the beginning of stage3.step where deepspeed is trying ...
File "/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/utils/clip_g", line 30, in clip_grad_norm_ total_norm = torch.norm(torch.stack([torch.norm(p.grad.detach(), norm_type) for p in parameters]), norm_type) RuntimeError: stack expects a non-empty TensorList ...
(c2ws, dim=0) RuntimeError: stack expects a non-empty TensorList root@3eada9a39237:/workspace# ns-render camera-path --load-config outputs/lego_processed/nerfacto/2024-02-14_193442/config.yml --camera-path-filename /workspace/lego_processed/camera_paths/2024-02-14-19-34-49.json --...
norm_type=grad_norm) File "lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/utils/", line 30, in clip_grad_norm_ total_norm = torch.norm(torch.stack([torch.norm(p.grad.detach(), norm_type) for p in parameters]), norm_type) RuntimeError: stack expects a non-empty TensorList ...
Custom allocators can only be used for importing intermediate tensors, not inputs and outputs.Memory limitationsFor systems that do not implement an Arm SMMU, the driver expects a reserved memory area to be associated with the NPU device. There are several restrictions on the properties of the...
My error just has different numbers in tensor sizes: RuntimeError: stack expects each tensor to be equal size, but got [1921, 4096] at entry 0 and [1933, 4096] at entry 1 For most of case, the torch.stack used in phi3v image_embedding should only accept and work on a list with...
Therefore, sampling with a higher sampling rate results in a better approximation of the real speech signal but also necessitates more values per second. A pretrained checkpoint expects its input data to have been sampled more or less from the same distribution as the data it was trained...
Custom allocators can only be used for importing intermediate tensors, not inputs and outputs. Memory limitations For systems that do not implement an Arm SMMU, the driver expects a reserved memory area to be associated with the NPU device. There are several restrictions on the properties of ...
Custom allocators can only be used for importing intermediate tensors, not inputs and outputs.Memory limitationsFor systems that do not implement an Arm SMMU, the driver expects a reserved memory area to be associated with the NPU device. There are several restrictions on the properties of the...