cc.complexity-theory Matthias 61 asked4 hours ago 0votes 1answer 138views Given a sequence find the shortest reg exp that generates it? ds.algorithms fl.formal-languages regular-expressions Matthias 61 answered4 hours ago ...
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Why is `ss --kill` so slow? Collision detection of two rects with rounded borders How can I transparently process std::vector of T and std::vector of std::shared_ptr<T> in a template? Lost eth0 device, instead I have "enxb827ebe00d07" How to fix this?
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Can a computer software that supports custom themes come with the color scheme from the UI of a video game pre-installed? intellectual-property licensing software Viraj Shah 161 answered9 hours ago 2votes 1answer 327views Why would a government employee listen to Elon Musk about anything?
If in computer science, compare-and-swap is known as "compare-and-swap," why are the C/C++ functions named atomic_compare_exchange_*? c c++ standard-library DannyNiu 351 answered Jan 23 at 8:12 8 votes 3 answers 1k views What are the pros/cons of a tree-based interpreter vs a ...
ActiveHotWeekMonth 2votes 1answer 188views When Homura took over the world it was playing "I was Waiting For This Moment" but is it actually someone else's song in reverse? madoka-magica theme-song user2228780 1 answered2 hours ago
more site stats on:Area 51Stack Exchange Hot Network Questions How do mathematical developments make their way into the mass media? Looking for title and author of complicated time travel sci-fi book published before 1988 Why did "European Leaders" gather in Paris and not in an EU structure ...