My Pascal double routines give the following values: p z with erf_inv z with erfc_inv 1.000E-03 -3.0902323061678136 -3.0902323061678136 1.000E-04 -3.7190164854557088 -3.7190164854556809 1.000E-05 -4.2648907939226017 -4.2648907939228247 1.000E-06 -4.7534243088283059 -4.7534243088228987 1.000E-07 -5.19933758218...
you should create a `Range` class that has human readable names for the range start and end (or length, whichever approach you end up using in your code). you
According to the protocol, everything below that should be shown as-is, like when mounting a remote drive. I don't know how Windows is supposed to name the "entry points", but it shouldn't re-arrange things below them. Your `Computer\JohnDoe(GT-I9301)\Phone` entry most likely reflect...
I have several SMTP servers on various networks around the world, and all of them are getting mail through ESTMPS - extended SMTP using TLS. So the email coming from GMail, MSN, Yahoo, as well MOST of other mail servers, including Exchange servers, Rackspace Email etc, are getting there ...
**Non-Convex Polygon** You should draw the Medial Axis Transform (skeleton or center-line) of the polygon. Options to do this: 1. [Create Centerlines]( 2. use [CGAL](
Let us have a look at `modExp`: modExp :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer modExp b 0 m = 1 modExp b e m = t * modExp ((b * b) `mod` m) (shiftR e 1) m `mod` m where t = if testBit e 0 then b `mod` m else 1 That's the usual double-and-add...
Larger systems are generally demand-paged virtual memory systems, where the MMU translates a logical address to a physical address, or alerts the OS to take action (to allocate a page, read a page from disk, or deny access to a page -> trap or fault). "DMA-controller is mapping/...
I am [graduating soon][1] with a master's degree from a third world university. 2. My plan is to get a PhD but am considering getting teaching experience to boost my chance's of getting in. 3. I am considering teaching at my university (or another university in my country) for a ...
(Internet Explorer 8) - Java virtual machines - Operating system theory: execution environment, process control, memory management, filesystems, IPC - user's network stack: IPv4, IPv6, TCP, UDP, ARP, RARP, DNS, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, WebDAV - user's network connection: ethernet (IEE 802.3)...
I need to find the energy consumed per product. Let's say we have product cycle of 10 seconds. The machine reports wattage each second. 00:01 450 watts 00:02 400 watts 00:03 350 watts 00:04 600 watts 00:05 725 watts 00:06 400 watts 00:07 550 watts 00:08 200 watts 00:09 420...