Share on Facebook stable fly (redirected fromstable flies) Also found in:Dictionary,Encyclopedia. Related to stable flies:House fly,Deer flies stable fly n. Afly(Stomoxyscalcitrans)thatsucksthebloodofdomesticanimalsandhumans. TheAmericanHeritage®MedicalDictionaryCopyright©2007,2004byHoughtonMifflinCompa...
FLY controlPREDATORY miteANIMAL feedingSimple Summary: Stable flies, known for inflicting painful bites on livestock, cause substantial economic losses worldwide by hindering animal feeding and potentially transmitting diseases. Current chemical control methods face challenges of resistance a...
The high emphasis placed on tenderness, along with the increasing incidence of tough meat has led to the development of many sophisticated instrumental methods for measuring meat texture. Tenderness is a sensory attribute judged when a consumer bites into a piece of meat. Consequently, sensory analys...
on the blood of large mammals (usually ruminants). On account of this habit, which is common to both sexes of the flies, the stomoxyines can be annoying to humans, major irritant pests of cattle, and (rarely) transmitters of certain parasites and pathogens. They include the stable-fly (...
Usually, they do not finish blood feeding on one animal, since the host animals try to defend against the painful fly bites. Additionally, stable flies can be disturbed by other flies during blood feeding. Both causes for interruption of blood feeding end up in a change of biting site or ...