Tiny Dreamis a header only, dependency free,partially uncensored, Stable Diffusion implementation written in C++with primary focus on CPU efficiency, and smaller memory footprint.Tiny Dreamruns reasonablyfaston the average consumer hardware,requireonly 1.7 ~ 5.5 GB of RAMto execute, does not enforce...
Please, check the path where "inswapper_128.onnx" model is stored. It must be inside the folder stable-diffusion-webui\models\insightface. Move the model there if it's stored in a different directory.II. Any problems with installing Insightface or other dependencies...
Github:https://github.com/omerbt/MultiDiffusion Demo:https://huggingface.co/spaces/weizmannscience/multidiffusion-region-based There's an extension for it in the webui Erasing SD concepts from diffusion models:https://erasing.baulab.info/ ...
Github:https://github.com/omerbt/MultiDiffusion Demo:https://huggingface.co/spaces/weizmannscience/multidiffusion-region-based There's an extension for it in the webui Erasing SD concepts from diffusion models:https://erasing.baulab.info/ ...