Let me turn now to my example of such a problem. In the epilogue I will return to the problem of change of standards in scientific research. In order to solve these problems it is useful to change the aim which journals seek to achieve. If we change the aim from the accumulation of ...
Action parameters are the change of the relative heading χ and of the ship speed V. For every set we can associate a response statistic, for example the expected maximum roll. The equation combines multiple trials of independent distributed processes. This method does not include the nonlinear ...
behavior between the Salaya1 strain and the wild types should be carried out to improve the SIT. The results stemming from different sterilising doses (50 versus 60 Gy) suggest that the small radiation dosages utilised in this experiment can strongly relate to the mating competitiveness of the...
eisptehrastisittewncilel result in a loss of populations, of as genetic the loss of genetic variation will lead to a lower adaptive ability in response to current and future changes in the environ- ment, such as new pathogens, climate change and habitat loss, and can ultimately lead to ...
"Stability" is always tied to IT-performance, because it has ever been one of the most important requirements to IT. You know the sentences like "never touch a running system". IT just needs to work. But then - why "Change", and what is actually meant with "Change"?
[5,11,109,110,111] through dynamically coupling with other brain networks. For example, to implement cognitive control over external versus internally generation information, the frontoparietal control networks can couple flexibly with the dorsal attention network and the core subcomponent of the ...
For example, early-adolescent personality development may be influenced by fluctuations in identity development processes of commitment versus explorations of different decisions and roles (Klimstra et al., 2010), or the experience of normative and nonnormative life events (Lüdtke, Roberts, Trautwein,...
If the number of species present is chosen as a measure of the 'complexity' of the ecosystem, and the ability of the species present to persist in time is taken as a sign of 'stability' then the above examples are interpreted to mean that Complexity leads to Stability. Another example of...
Despite widespread recognition among financial regulators and central banks that climate change may threaten financial stability, the causes and consequences of climate-related systemic financial risk remain underexplored. Stress testing has emerged as one of the most prevalent regulatory tools for addressing...
From our analysis, we are unable to confidently say anything about what proportion of pathogenic mutations are stabilising versus destabilising, or about which methods are better at predicting the direction of stability change, but this is clearly an issue that needs more attention in the future. ...