Using the two-year panels of the Household Component of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey covering the 2002-22 period and controlling for the business cycle and other factors, we find the share of nonelderly adults enrolled in individual insurance doubled under the ACA. The percentage of ...
We chose to evaluate three varied growth conditions to simulate potential environments the bacterial cells could encounter during pathogenesis. The first condition (referred to as ‘incubation period’) assessed expression of the candidate reference genes after 4 h and 9 h of growth. These time point...
"Insurance loss and change is common during theperinatal periodbecause changes in employment, income, marital status, and Medicaid eligibility, often go hand-in-hand with pregnancy and childbirth," said Jamie Daw, Ph.D., assistant professor of Health Policy and Management at Columbia Mailman School...
As a proof of principle, we first applied both strategies to alter the expression dynamics of a fluorescent protein reporter under the control of a p53-responsive synthetic promoter induced by DNA double strand breaks. We then used CASP3 (encoding the pro-apoptotic factor caspase-3) as the ...
High levels in food can lead to the development of antimicrobial resistance in humans, so it is important to monitor its levels in food. In the context of legal proceedings, it is frequently necessary to re-examine samples after an extended period of time. It is therefore crucial to ensure ...
During the study period, a total of 1929 samples were tested for HTLV in the NTM/UFPA. The tests identified 51 HTLV-1 positive samples, of which, 40 were classified as indicator cases (ICs) of the families investigated. The 40 indicator samples that provided an adequate amount and good qua...
This shows that most cells cannot recover from even a short period with H4G94P as the predominant version of H4 in the cell. To determine how many times the H4G94P mutant cells can divide after repressing WT pGAL H4 expression, we grew WT, H4G94A and H4G94P cells in galactose liquid...
The ΔN2 protein is relatively over-expressed under the induction conditions used, while the ΔN3 and ΔN4 proteins are expressed at near normal levels under the same induction conditions. The N-terminal deletion alleles have higher levels of constitutive expression relative to the C-terminal ...
Inter- estingly, the level of supernatant TNF-α protein remained relatively stable after CHX addition during the observation period. One possible explanation is that most of the TNF-α was released into the supernatant before the CHX addition. The changes in the degradation of the remaining TNF...
After a recovery period of 6 days, platelet counts and size were followed over time by flow cytometry. Macrophage depletion. Anaesthetized female and male mice were retro-orbitally injected with clodronate-encapsulated or PBS-encapsulated liposomes (2 ml per g body weight). Blood was taken at 0...