Even the kind of stability defined as simple lack of change is not always associated with maximum diversity. 实际上,这种被简单定义为缺乏变化的稳定性并非总是与最大限度的物种多样性有关。 考点解析 根据朗播专家权威分析,句子“Even the kind of stability defined as simple lack of change is not ...
Stability is defined as the closeness of agreement between measured quantity values obtained by replicate measurements performed under the same conditions (e.g., patient, scanner, imaging protocol)18. Statistical differences in stable features between tumour types, and between MR-systems with different ...
The stability is defined as the relative free energy difference (ΔΔG) between the native and swap conformations of a pair of tandem identical domains. More information about the energetic model can be foundhereand all the details in the following publication: ...
With a small perturbation, an edge is either established between two genes i and j, or is not detected. Hence, based on the number of times a regulatory relationship occurs between the two specific genes, the stability of the edge can be computed. Such edge stability is defined as: (9)...
Thequestionofecosystemstabilityiscomplicated,however.Thefirst problemisthatecologistsdonotallagreewhat“stability” means. Stabilitycanbedefinedassimplylackofchange.Inthatcase,theclimax communitywouldbeconsideredthemoststable,since,bydefinition,it changestheleastovertime.Alternatively,stabilitycanbedefinedasthe speed...
This kind of stability is also called resilience. In that case, climax communities would be the most fragile and the least stable, since they can require hundreds of years to return to the climax state.Even the kind of stability defined as simple lack of change is not always associated with...
STB is defined as “the amount of time (e.g. time out of refrigeration (TOR), time at a given temperature) a drug product in the primary container can spend, outside of registered label conditions without risk to patients and product shelf life”. In fact, temperature outside of ...
refers to the administrative cost that the local government would bear in addition to the economic cost. If key local government leaders are held responsible for adverse impacts, it is defined as an unacceptable risk (high or medium risk). If the direct administrative person is held responsible,...
Bank marginal expected shortfall (MES) is defined as its short-run expected equity loss conditional on the market taking a loss greater than its Value-at-Risk at α% (Acharya et al., 2017). The MES is defined as:(2)MESi,t=EtRi,t+1Rm,t+1...
An example of a hypergraph and its graph projection is shown in Fig. 1. A more general definition of the adjacency matrix, including also diagonal elements, can be expressed in terms of its weighted counterpart defined as $${{\bf{W}}}_{ik}=\sum\limits_{{{e}_{j}\in{\mathcal{E}}...