Stabilised Pavements Established in 1984, we are an Australian owned company who is an industry leader and innovator of sustainable and cost effective pavement and earthworks solutions. SPA is focused on providing clients pavement construction, rehabilitation and maintenance solutions that are fast, cost...
In addition, it also describes the latest performance data from Kewdale Road in Canning and the Kwinana Freeway in Perth Western Australia.作者Structural DesignJameson, G 2013, `Design and Performance of Foamed Bitumen Stabilised Pavements: Progress Report One', Austroads Technical Report, AP-...
The process of converting concrete demolition waste into a road construction material is well established in Australia. Since 1993, VicRoads, the State Road Authority of Victoria, has allowed the use of recycled crushed concrete as a stabilised subbase material through the inclusion of specific claus...
Moisture intrusion eventuates to early development of deficiencies (potholes) due to 'pumping' effects and reduced effective strength of the pavement. Cement stabilisation is one of the preventive measures that are applied to minimise moisture ingress into pavements. However, water induced damage is ...