PostGIS是一个开源的地理信息系统(GIS)扩展,它为PostgreSQL数据库提供了地理空间对象的存储、查询和分析功能。ST_Intersects是PostGIS中的一个空间操作函数,用于判断两个几何对象是否相交。 在使用ST_Intersects函数时,可能会遇到不工作的情况。其中一个可能的原因是不同的测量系统导致的。在地理空间数据中,通常...
Postgis ST_Intersects 两个表之间真的(真的真的)慢 Arn*_*ibu 2 postgis 我正在尝试在两个表之间进行空间连接:表1:397265 个特征(带有 geom 字段的要点索引) 表2:73 个特征(在 geom 字段上有要点索引)表1 和表 2 具有相同的 SRID。 我做了很多测试,这些表之间的空间连接需要几天时间(5 天后我终止...
Why does a LINESTRING change in length after union with a shorter but completely-overlapping LINESTRING? 1 PostGIS st_intersects with exceptions 2 ST_Intersects with multiple geometries 3 Performance issues with PostGIS ST_Intersects 3 Geometry data type Binary storage description 2 ST_Interse...
Parcel Geometry: pgeom: Building Geometry Overlayed on Top Of Parcel: bgeom: The building is in green The geometry returned by ST_Intersection(b.the_geom, p.the_geom) overlayed on top of Parcel: (intersection is in brown) Post Comments About Intersects Intersection: PostGIS - ST_Intersect...
I've created a PostGIS database of bus stops and train stations (from the gtfs file of two transit authority -- CITLA is the bus and AMT_Trains is... well, the train). I've created a 200 meters buffer around each train station and tried to select each bus stop that intersects thos...
Boston Geographic Information Systems
CREATEEXTENSIONIFNOTEXISTSpostgis; 1. 假设我们有一个名为polygons的表,其中包含了多个多边形区域的几何数据。我们可以使用ST_Intersects函数来判断这些多边形区域是否相交。 下面是一个简单的示例: SELECTST_Intersects(polygons.geom1,polygons.geom2)ASis_intersectFROMpolygons; ...
I'm currently using PostGIS 2.1.3, PostgreSQL 9.3.4 and GEOS 3.3.8, though I've also reproduced the issue on early versions. I have a table, Track, which maintains a LINESTRING summarizing its various locations through time. I need to build the line in real time. When a new Track ...