部件名ST7565P 下载ST7565P下载 文件大小858.26 Kbytes 页71 Pages 制造商SITRONIX [Sitronix Technology Co., Ltd.] 网页http://www.sitronix.com.tw 标志 功能描述65 x132DotMatrixLCDController/Driver GENERAL DESCRIPTION ST7565P is a single-chip dot-matrix LCD driver that can be connected directly to...
ST7565P is a single-chip dot-matrix LCD driver that can be connected directly to a microprocessor bus. 8-bit parallel or serial display data sent from the microprocessor is stored in the internal Display Data RAM and this chip generates LCD driving signals independent of the microprocessor. Eac...
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IC型号: ST7565P PDF描述: LCD驱动芯片 Sitronix 文件大小: 1349.68KB 阅览下载 纠错 0 扫码查看芯片数据手册 上传产品规格书 ST7565P相关型号PDF文件下载 型号 版本 描述 厂商 下载 ST755 英文版 ADJUSTABLE INVERTING NEGATIVE OUTPUT CURRENT MODE PWM REGULA... ST755 ST755 英文版 ADJUSTABLE INVERTING ...
RAM capacity : 65 x 132 = 8580 bits Display duty selectable by select pin 1/65 duty : 65 common x 132 segment 1/49 duty : 49 common x 132 segment 1/33 duty : 33 common x 132 segment 1/55 duty : 55 common x 132 segment 1/53 duty : 53 common x 132 segment High-speed 8-...