La nueva fuente Silverstone ST65F-PT pertenece a la gama Platinum de Silverstone, 2015 29 OCT SilverStone Strider Platinum ST65F-PT 650W Power Supply Review 02 FEB ST65F-PT was part of this build log video featuring the RL07. 17
银欣 额定650W 全模组电源通过80plus白金牌认证,电力转换有效率达92%以上,即节省了电量,又防止了废热的产生。全新搭载的智能启停风扇,当电源供应器低于20%负载时,风扇将静止,此时不会产生噪音。采用日系电容并使用先进制程,严选用料不偷工,品质有保障。享一年免费换新,七年免费质保。
Strider Platinum series ST65F-PT Compact design with a depth of 140mm for easy integration High efficiency with 80 PLUS Platinum certification 100% modular cables 24/7 continuous power output with 40? operating temperature Class-leading single +12V rail Strict ±3% voltage regulation and low...
SILVER STONE 银欣 ST65F-PT 额定650W 全模组 电源(80PLUS白金牌) 爆料人: felling2004 19-10-01发布 2日特价799 ,价格还可以,需要的朋友可以看看。 简明购买步骤 1 加购 当前商品1件 2 下单 实付899元 电脑数码实时好价排行 国补攻略:3月13日国补叠以旧换新回收,新机到手不止85折 ¥0 京东 ¥...
La nueva fuente Silverstone ST65F-PT pertenece a la gama Platinum de Silverstone, 2015 29 OCT SilverStone Strider Platinum ST65F-PT 650W Power Supply Review 2018 02 FEB ST65F-PT was part of this build log video featuring the RL07. ...
Strider Platinum series ST65F-PT Compact design with a depth of 140mm for easy integration High efficiency with 80 PLUS Platinum certification 100% modular cables 24/7 continuous power output with 40? operating temperature Class-leading single +12V rail Strict ±3% voltage r...
京东(JD.COM)为您提供银欣ST65F-PT、鑫谷GP500W ATX3.0黑金版电源的详细参数信息对比,告诉您银欣ST65F-PT和鑫谷GP500W ATX3.0黑金版电源的区别,供您参考银欣ST65F-PT和鑫谷GP500W ATX3.0黑金版电源买哪个好,选购到满意商品。
Strider Platinum series ST65F-PT Compact design with a depth of 140mm for easy integration High efficiency with 80 PLUS Platinum certification 100% modular cables 24/7 continuous power output with 40? operating temperature Class-leading single +12V rail Strict ±3% voltage re...