Neuroanatomical characteristics of the traditional acupuncture point location ST36doi:10.1177/09645284231200043MEDICAL quality controlULTRASONIC imagingHYPODERMIC needlesACUPUNCTURE pointsELECTRIC stimulationNEUROANATOMYChiang, PoneyChang, DodyMoon, HeeyoungChae, Younbyoung...
Acupoints were localized according to the WHO Standardized Acupuncture Points Location. Needles were bilaterally and vertically inserted at ST36 to a depth of 5 mm. Paired alligator clips with negative and positive electrodes were attached to the needle holders at the right and left ST36. The ...
After 10min of rest in the supine position, acupuncture was applied to the right ST-36 point in the tibialis anterior muscle for 15min, with recovery then monitored over a 20-min period. While the burst rate and total MSNA remained constant throughout the study, there was a significant ...
In this experiment we treated the possibility of mental stimulation or psychopuncture of one acupuncture point, Zusanli (St-36). The first day the experiment subjects were stimulated by needle acupuncture at Zusanli. The second day subjects were stimulating this point mentally, trying to produce ...
Is ondansetron combined with ST36 (Zusanli) acupuncture point injection for postoperative vomiting effective?First page of articledoi:10.1111/fct.12153J㏄ LiuFocus on Alternative and Complementary Therapies
(2007). Comparison of the effectiveness of the traditional acupuncture point, ST. 36 and Omura's ST.36 Point (True ST. 36) needling on the isokinetic knee extension and flexion strength of young soccer players. Acupunct Electrother Res. 32(1-2), 71-9. Pagala M., Ravindran K., Amala...