ST310211A 希捷10.2G,U5系列,单碟
> Just found another type of Seagate drives that shows this behaviour : > ST310211A > Can this one be blacklisted as well ? Yes, do you have a patch? And a dmesg dump of the drive in use with and without a patch? If you do, please send them to upstream linux-ide@vger.kernel.o...
+ { "ST310211A", NULL, ATA_HORKAGE_HPA_SIZE, }, /* Devices which get the IVB wrong */ { "QUANTUM FIREBALLlct10 05", "A03.0900", ATA_HORKAGE_IVB, }, diff --git a/drivers/ide/ide-disk.c b/drivers/ide/ide-disk.c index b178190..a0f9940 100644 --- a/drivers/ide/ide-dis...
产品对比 86-021-80392292 联系人:叶工 (销售经理) 手机: 18516776696 在线客服 联系我时,告知来自 化工仪器网 商铺网址: 公司网站: 扫一扫访问手机商铺 关注我们 以上信息由企业自行提供,信息内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由相关企业...
+ */ +static const struct drive_list_entry hpa_list[] = { + { "ST340823A", "ALL" }, + { "ST320413A", "ALL" }, + { "ST310211A", "ALL" }, + { NULL, NULL } +}; + static void idedisk_check_hpa(ide_drive_t *drive) { unsigned long long capacity, set_max; @@ -...