Seagate ST3000DM001 9YN166-570 CC9F WU 100664987 Donor PCB Barracuda 7200.14 3TB + Firmware Transfer Item# 729280651st US$49.99Product Description This is the PCB board (circuit board) of a Seagate Barracuda 7200.14 Hard Drive ESSENTIAL INFORMATION Item Information The Process ...
x ST3000DM001-9YN166 CC4B 快两年了前天突然卡顿,关机再开不认盘了。一查保修8.16到保 还有不到...
型号:ST3000DM001-9YN166 版本号:CC4B 序列号:W1F304F7 下载地址: 本站提供的硬盘固件为原盘固件,只适合硬盘固件损坏或需要热交换恢复数据的时候使用,不适合跑自效准维修硬盘,刷写固件请先备份原有固件,如果原始固件损坏,一定得备份出重要的几个数据模块。
Part number: 9YN166-500 Serial number: W1F0DLJD Firmware: CC4B Date Code: 12322 Site Code: SU DOM 02/2012 Product of China 100664987 REV A on the PCB 100678893 on the barcode sticker SKU: 28888 The hard drive you see on the picture and description is exact drive you will receive. Pi...
一直关注这个硬盘,今天降到739。另外东芝的也降了10块,689了。 查看更多 商品介绍: ST3000DM001 是希捷旗下定位家用需求的台式机硬盘,3TB 容量,硬盘采用 PMR 记录技术,7200RPM 转速,硬盘的年负荷数据量仅为 55TB,官方标称数据传输速度 210MB/S,它的寻道声被人诟病,但是速度上的表现还是不错的。
9YN166...CC4x...CC4H 1E6166...CC4x...N/A Those 1CH166 have been upgraded to CC29 which used for 2.5 years without any issue. I bought more 3TB HDD for DX213 and DS414, now I have 3 type HDD. I've mixed using them in all NAS boxes which to avoid the same purchase (the...
If the P/N of the disk is: 9YN166-xxx you can assume that all the drive is a sh*t (like almost everything that comes from the seagate factory) data-medics↓ Re: ST3000DM001 still clicking July 12th, 2018, 11:27 If you can see damage on a ST3000DM001, just assume it's a ...
Seagate ST3000DM001 9YN166-570 CC9D SU 100664987 Donor PCB Barracuda 7200.14 3TB + Firmware Transfer Item#729280623st US$49.99 Product Description This is the PCB board (circuit board) of a Seagate Barracuda 7200.14 Hard Drive ESSENTIAL INFORMATION ...
Item#729280646st US$49.99 Product Description This is the PCB board (circuit board) of a Seagate Barracuda 7200.14 Hard Drive ESSENTIAL INFORMATION Item Information The Process Model:ST3000DM001 P/N:9YN166-505 Firmware:CC82 - Please see description ---> Site...