error: st-link error (dev_target_held_under_reset) 1. 错误信息解释 "dev_target_held_under_reset" 是一个在使用 ST-LINK 下载程序到 STM32 微控制器时常见的错误。这个错误表明目标设备(即 STM32 微控制器)在尝试进行编程或调试时,其复位引脚(RESET pin)被持续拉低,导致设备无法正常进入编程模式。 2...
I tried connecting directly from STM32Cube programmer and I get DEV_TARGET_HELD_UNDER_RESET. Yesterday the board was working and I was prompted to update the ST-Link firmware. I'm lost and would be grateful for any pointers. Mark G0MGX Labels: STM32CubeIDE STM32CubeProgrammer STM32L4...
So I'm using an STM32F103C8T6 board and it was working fine a few days ago but then tried to load a code with keil vision compiler these days and it showed this message STLINK Error(DEV_TARGET_HELD_UNDER_RESET). After that using the STM32CubeProgrammer also shows the same problem, ...
返回Keil使用ST-Link也可正常使用。 从网友结论及本人测试,些次出现“flash timeout.reset the target and try it again”是由芯片被锁导至。 以下方法未试 问题已经解决了。是keil的环境没有设置好。导致程序进步去。应该是没有Reset的原因吧。在FLASHE Download中设置勾选 1.Erase Full Chip2.Reset and Run3...
从网友结论及本人测试,些次出现“flash timeout.reset the target and try it again”是由芯片被锁导至。 以下方法未试 问题已经解决了。是keil的环境没有设置好。导致程序进步去。应该是没有Reset的原因吧。在FLASHE Download中设置勾选 1.Erase Full Chip2.Reset and Run3program4verify ...
Programmer/board type: stlink v3 mini Operating system and version: Windows Stlink tools version : 1.6.1 Stlink commandline tool name: st-flash Target chip (and board if applicable): STM32G031 Commandline-Output: st-flash --connect-under...
从网友结论及本人测试,些次出现“flash timeout.reset the target and try it again”是由芯片被锁导至。 以下方法未试 问题已经解决了。是keil的环境没有设置好。导致程序进步去。应该是没有Reset的原因吧。在FLASHE Download中设置勾选 1.Erase Full Chip2.Reset and Run3program4verify ...
$ st-flash reset Expected/description: The target resets (OK on v1.7.0)This does not work anymore on the testing branch, the target does not reset.Interestingly enough, nucleo boards still reset fine, I only see issues when I connect an external board via stlink....
“DEV_TARGET_HELD_UNDER_RESET” 也可能是由硬件原因造成的。我曾经在一个 PCB 上不小心弄混了一些数字,结果在 G431RB 的 3V3 和 NRST 引脚之间使用了一颗 10 欧姆电阻,而不是通常我用来连接复位开关和 NRST 引脚的 10k 电阻。 故事的结局是,我无法连接到 MCU,错误信息显示“ DEV_TARGET_HELD_UNDER_RESET...
V2J34M25 Voltage : 3.25V Error: ST-LINK error (DEV_TARGET_NOT_HALTED) Encountered Error when opening C:\ST\STM32CubeIDE_1.0.1\STM32CubeIDE\plugins\\tools\bin\STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe Error in STM32CubeProgr...